Ketterpesh Apothecary Building / Landmark in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Ketterpesh Apothecary

Purpose / Function

Ketterpesh apothecary provides potions and other chemicals for the villagers. It is run by gnome Naddie and her half-orc apprentice Kezia. Mostly villagers use it for healing items, such as anti-toxins or anti-plague.

Sensory & Appearance

An overwhelming aroma of herbs and charcoal fills the nostrils of anyone who enters the apothecary. Multicoloured bottles line the walls, and in one corner is a small bookshelf. The cauldron in the centre of the single-roomed building is always bubbling, and the fire underneath keeps the room pleasantly warm, at least in comparison to the outdoors. A rail and hatstand have been proved by the door for visitors to hang their coats and winter layers so that they don't overheat inside, and aren't too cold when the leave the shop.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Naddie's Apothecary
Parent Location