Nadezhda "Naddie" Suslova Character in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Nadezhda "Naddie" Suslova

Nadezhada Suslova runs the Apothecary in Ketterpesh. At 198 years old, she is looking to retire, so has taken on a young apprentice, Kezia, a little Half-Orc girl.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Naddie's Apteker: Naddie has a journal in which she keeps all of her alchemical thoughts and discoveries. Although initially written in gnome, when she took on Kezia as an apprentice, she annotated the journal so that it is also understandable in half-orc. Since then she has continued to translate the journal into every other language that she knows (apart from Common because that would be boring).

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


Adventure: Naddie longs for adventure. She has been talking about leaving her apothecary in the hands of an apprentice since before Vasilly can remember, but it is only now that she has taken on and started training up an apprentice. (People in the village suspect this is because she is nearing the end of her life, but no-one likes to admit it.) Bringing her stories or artifacts of the Old Beliefs will delight her.
Making trades: Naddie enjoys exchanging things for other things. She prefers trading the items in her shop to just buying and selling items (although she will do that at a push).


Orthobog: Naddie is one of the most distrustful of the new Orthobog religion that the merchants and missionaries in town are spreading. She will warn the PCs to stay away from gods, because they lead to nothing but trouble.
Youth is wasted on the young! If I were ninty years younger, I would be out in the world collecting stories and artifacts myself!
Neutral Good
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
1255 198 Years old
Grey, swept back into a wavy bun.
Known Languages
Catfolk, Common, Draconic, Drow, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Grippli, Halfling, Orcish, Sylvan, Terran, Treant, Undercommon.
Ruled Locations