Dwarf Species in Ruslavia | World Anvil


Dwarves are one of the core races of Ruslavia with full Established Personhood. While they can be found all over Ruslavia, the largest communities are in the Sabrelands. the Hoary Wastes and Ketterzan.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarves often name their offspring with a derivative of the father of the household's name. Sometimes a dwarven woman will change her name to resemble her husband's name, rather than keeping her father's name, particularly in more traditional groups, such as among the Snow Dwarves that still live in the Sabrelands.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarves all speak the Dwarven language, and unless they are really isolated they can also speak Common.


The earliest dwarven communities sprung up in the frozen Sabrelands of the north. After the Winter Witches seized control of the Sabrelands, many dwarven families and communities left the Sabrelands to settle in the northern regions of Ketterzan or in the less populated Hoary Wastelands. This has created three distinct cultures of dwarves: the stoic Snow Dwarves, the prosperous Ketter Dwarves and the dangerous Dwarven Hordes.
Genetic Descendants
Earliest tribes can be traced back to Sabrelands
Related Ethnicities