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End of the Smouldering Swords and Formation of the Brightswords

The end of the Age of Blood provided the cults of the Eternal Lady and the Toc’vastil Accords were the culmination of that ambition, however, it caused a schism that almost brought the faithful of the Lady into conflict with one another. The Accords were proposed at the end of the Age of Blood and were proposed to make the Runetalras safe from magic and the threat innate to it. With those ends in mind the Church of the Eternal Flame proposed a number of initiatives, the two most significant being: the imprisonment or execution of all mages, and stationing the Smouldering Swords, the militant arm of the cult of the Eternal Lady, throughout the realms. The Council of Toc’Vastil almost stall several times, but the assembled monarchs, representatives, and cult leaders agreed, at the behest of the Lyce the Conciliator King of the Ardenals, the system of Arcane Bastilles was signed which significantly separated the Smouldering Swords from the Church of the Eternal Lady and renamed them the Brightswords. The Church saw the sacrifice of their primary militant arm as expedient to attachive their long term aims, however, priests and sects saw it as a betrayal of the core values of the Lady, and led to a schism. This schism solidified the formation of two further churches to the Eternal Lady, the Church of the Crimson Flame, and Church of the Crimson Flame, additionally, it caused the creation of Order of the Flaming Sword, the new militant arm of the Church of the Eternal Lady, and led to the Velgan Empire and Kasari Dominion reinstating the Smouldering Swords despite signing the Accords.

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