Zanther Bowen Character in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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Zanther Bowen


At first glance Zanther appears human, but his orange hair gives away his fire genasi origins. He is a member of the Mage Tower Cheer Squad, which is where he met Shelley. He’s outgoing, loves a good party, and believes everyone should be stirred to boldness.   Zanther is good friends with Greta Gorunn. In his presence, Greta takes on a more bully-like persona. His admiration of the Oriq and Bjorn Burninghammer, as well as how he’s treated others like Tobi, suggest he may not always be the best friend to have.  

Year 1 Involvement

Everyone knows Zanther, and most seemed to like him. In addition to his friendship with Greta, Shelley became close enough friends with him to elicit occasional jealousy from Tobi. Zanther mostly shrugged this off and instead invited Tobi anywhere he invited Shelley. Rampart considered a romance with Zanther until learning the genasi preferred women, after which Rampart described their relationship as a ‘bromance’.   At the F Squad’s Truth or Dare party, Zanther pushed Tobi into Aurora while he was trying to fulfill Shelley’s dare to hug each attendee. This led to Tobi and Shelley leaving the party, and many others chastising Zanther for his inappropriate behavior. The Squad also learned Zanther used his job at the student store to help Fain, and that he admired the Oriq the way one might admire a sports team.   This knowledge has shaken both Shelley and Rampart’s trust in him. It’s unknown if these friendships or that with Greta will continue into the next year, and whether the Oriq’s most recent actions will diminish his admiration of them at all.

College, color
Prismari, Expression (red)
Years in attendance
4465-present, current second year
Mage Tower Cheer Squad
Work study
Clerk at the Biblioplex shop

Cover image: First Day of Class, Roleplay Radio logo by Paul Scott Canavan (art), Rin Garnett (logo)


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May 17, 2023 05:51

some descriptions i barely remember did make me assume you've retconned him into a plain human. good to know i was wrong