Fain, The Broker Character in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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Fain, The Broker

"Every now and then some students are gonna come to me and offer me something valuable, and I pay them in cash, because I know people outside of this school who might pay a pretty bit of coin for special artifacts."


Fain the Broker was Head Custodian at Strixhaven before being fired for security concerns. He had a side business fencing valuable items brought by students and expected his janitorial staff to keep this quiet. He calls everyone "baby" (or occasionally "honey, sweetie, baby"). When others take this to be flirtatious, he assures them he’s both asexual and married, despite neither of these actually impacting the situation.   He previously attended Strixhaven and is a proud Shadow Silverquill alumnus.  


Fain refers to his marriage with his wife as a business arrangement, and it’s implied this is the wedding where Dominique Paraguan was his best man. He’s never said his wife’s name, nor mentioned any other family members.  

Year 1 Involvement

Fain’s sketchiness was immediately apparent. When Griff interviewed for a janitorial position, Fain explained that student janitors were usually ones that planned on dropping out and wanted to get into a trade. Fain was also baffled by the idea that Griff would want to be left alone when he could use his fame to have any person he wants.   The Gruul Clan goblins that broke into Krokt Tower to threaten Gary were let in through an arrangement with Fain the Broker. Griff was livid that Fain would do something that so blatantly put students at risk, and more importantly harmed him and his friends directly. He made it his new mission to take Fain down.   Fain continued getting on the F Squad’s bad side when he tried to strongarm Koss into returning the paint they bought from the store. The paint was magical but labeled as ordinary when Koss bought it. Koss refused to return it and Mistake tried to help stand up for them, but wasn’t effective. She tried again when she overheard Fain in the Scriptoria explaining to someone that he’ll get the paint back. The plan backfired and Fain threatened her instead. Griff intervened and was far more intimidating, putting an end to Fain’s harassment of Koss.   With Gary’s help, Griff was able to continue spying on Fain and learned that he and Dom were working together to get someone else into the school. Soon after, Griff got a visit from his uncle, Ozric Burninghammer.   When the Oriq went after the F Squad in earnest later in the year, Fain offered to sell them equipment, spell scrolls, and other items. The Squad didn’t want to fund the Broker and haggled for lower prices. He tried to threaten the Squad with telling Captain Dapplewing of the incident in Krokt tower in which Griff killed two goblins, but Mistake convinced him Dapplewing already knew.   At the end of the year, Dapplewing allowed Griff to fire Fain for his various actions that threatened the safety of the school and students. While Fain was leaving the school, he stumbled into a mischievous, orphaned inkling… one formerly owned by Gary.



At Strixhaven

Head Custodian at Strixhaven (former)

Cover image: First Day of Class, Roleplay Radio logo by Paul Scott Canavan (art), Rin Garnett (logo)


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