Yalara Character in Rolara | World Anvil


Forest Mother

High Druidess Yalara Ulathyra- Civelathriesh (a.k.a. Ayll)

In the annals of the Chokurri Wood Elves, there is a revered figure known as Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh, also called Ayll by her kin. Yalara's birth was marked by a unique quality - she was intersex, possessing both male and female reproductive organs. This, however, did not diminish her spiritual advancement and likeness to their fey ancestors, as recognized by the previous High Druidess who designated her as her successor.   Yalara's leadership as the High Druidess of her people was marked by her unwavering commitment to the protection of the wilderness and its inhabitants. She worked in collaboration with King Oberon, the ruler of the Fourth Fairy Kingdom, and the Ancient Wood, a magnificent elm tree that served as the spirit of the forest. From the tree, Yalara received mystical visions of dangers in the forest and missions to be completed, which she executed with the help of the elves selected through her conferring with King Oberon.   The Ancient Wood also held a unique power - it enchanted leaves with the names of elves who were meant to be paired with Fairy knights of the Fourth Fairy Kingdom. While only the fairy designated to find the leaf could read the name, all could witness the leaf's magical aura. As High Druidess, Yalara's duties extended to directing her agents to safeguard the sacred beasts, including the legendary unicorns, for which she carefully selected elves with the necessary skills and talents.   Nirivien, a trusted merchant who traded bi-monthly between the Moonwilde and their realm, was among Yalara's most loyal confidants. While her position commanded great respect, her relationship with King Oberon was often troubled by his manipulation of Endelyn Moongrave, daughter of Baba Yaga. Oberon coerced Endelyn into serving Yalara by hunting criminals who harmed the sacred beasts, a move that earned her resentment towards both him and Yalara.   Nevertheless, Yalara's spiritual guidance, strength, wisdom, and compassion earned her high reverence among the Chokurri Wood Elves. She left an indelible mark in the history of their people and beyond, with her legacy enduring long after her time.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh was a striking figure, with an appearance that reflected her deep connection to the natural world. She stood tall and proud, with a lithe and athletic build that spoke of her agility and grace. Her skin was the color of rich, brown earth, and her hair was a deep, lustrous green that flowed in waves down her back. Her eyes were large and almond-shaped, the color of hazel with flecks of Gold that seemed to glint in the sunlight.   Yalara's attire was always practical, reflecting her love for nature and her duties as High Druidess. She wore a tunic and leggings made from the finest Chokurri silk, dyed in natural shades of green and brown. Her boots were made from supple leather, with soles that were thick and sturdy enough to withstand the rough terrain of the forest. She wore a simple leather belt around her waist, which held various pouches filled with herbs, potions, and other tools that she used in her work as a healer and protector of the natural world.   Adornments were few and far between on Yalara's person, but when she did wear jewelry, it was always simple and made from natural materials. She wore a necklace made from a single acorn, strung on a leather cord, which was said to symbolize her connection to the Ancient Wood. She also wore a circlet of woven vines and flowers in her hair, which was said to represent her role as High Druidess and protector of the natural world.   Overall, Yalara's appearance was a reflection of her deep spiritual connection to the natural world and her role as a leader and protector of her people. Her beauty was not only physical but also came from within, emanating from her pure heart and her dedication to the balance and harmony of the natural world.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

As High Druidess of the Chokurri Wood Elves, Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh accomplished many great feats that solidified her place as a revered leader and protector of her people. Her primary role was to ensure the balance and harmony of the natural world, and she dedicated her life to fulfilling this duty with integrity and passion.   One of Yalara's most significant accomplishments was her work in protecting the sacred beasts of the Chokurri Wood Elves. She was particularly devoted to safeguarding unicorns, who were considered to be the embodiment of purity and grace. Yalara recognized the importance of these creatures in maintaining the delicate balance of nature and took great pains to ensure that they were protected from harm. Under her leadership, the Chokurri Elves developed a system of agents who were trained to track and apprehend poachers and other criminals who threatened the safety of the unicorns. Through Yalara's efforts, the unicorn population thrived, and their presence became a symbol of hope and reverence for the Chokurri Wood Elves.   Yalara was also known for her close partnership with King Oberon, ruler of the Fourth Fairy Kingdom. Together, they worked tirelessly to protect the wilderness and its inhabitants, sharing their knowledge and resources to ensure that the natural world remained in balance. Yalara's divination skills and spiritual connection to the Ancient Wood allowed her to detect danger and other threats to the forest, while Oberon's military prowess and strategic planning helped to keep the Chokurri Elves safe from harm.   In addition to her work in protecting the natural world, Yalara was also a skilled healer and herbalist. She used her knowledge of herbs and other natural elements to create powerful healing potions and remedies, which were used to treat everything from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious illnesses and injuries. Her skills as a healer were particularly valuable during times of war or other crises, when many of her people were in need of medical attention.   Overall, Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh's achievements as High Druidess of the Chokurri Wood Elves were numerous and varied. She was a true leader, philosopher, and protector, whose dedication and commitment to her people and the natural world left a lasting legacy that inspired generations to come.

Morality & Philosophy

Yalara's spiritual beliefs and philosophical approach were heavily influenced by the elven cultural practices of her people. As a Chokurri Wood Elf and High Druidess, she believed in the interconnectedness of all things in nature, and that all beings, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, were part of a greater whole. She saw herself as a steward of the land and all its inhabitants, with a sacred duty to protect and nurture the balance of the natural world.   Yalara's personal moral code was guided by her commitment to the principles of respect, compassion, and honor. She believed that all beings deserved respect, regardless of their social status, race, or gender identity. She was known to be fiercely protective of those who were vulnerable, including children, animals, and those who were oppressed or marginalized in any way.   In addition to her love of nature, Yalara was also deeply committed to the practices of magic and divination. She believed that the natural world was filled with magic and that it was her duty as a High Druidess to harness that power for the greater good. She was skilled in the use of herbs and other natural elements for healing and ritual purposes and often used her divination skills to gain insight and guidance from the spirits of the forest.   Yalara was also a strong believer in the power of community and collaboration. She recognized that no individual could accomplish everything alone and that the strength of the community lay in its ability to work together towards common goals. She was often called upon to mediate disputes and conflicts among her people, using her wisdom and compassion to bring people together and find solutions that honored the needs and values of everyone involved.   Overall, Yalara's elven philosophy and commitment to her moral code made her an inspirational figure among the Chokurri Wood Elves and beyond. Her legacy lived on through the generations, inspiring many to follow in her footsteps as stewards of the natural world and defenders of the vulnerable.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1012 PE 515 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
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