
Beyond the Frost: Exploring the Mysterious Tundra of Moredge

Moredge was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to the power and majesty of the Eladrin of old. It was a city filled with broken down artifices and eroded Elven High Magic, a testament to the Eladrin's once-great power and knowledge. But over the centuries, the Eladrin of Moredge bled the power ambient in the land in their futile attempts to reunite with their brethren in the Moonwilde.   Their obsession with unlocking the secrets of the Moonwilde had corrupted them and their ancient rituals, and attracted dark powers to the region. The Eladrin's advanced magical knowledge had allowed them to create powerful enchantments that they sold to other factions for a high price. But the use of magic had also left the Eladrin vulnerable to corruption and misuse.   Moredge itself was a once-great city that had fallen into disrepair. The buildings were crumbling, the streets were overgrown, and the once-great artifacts of the Eladrin lay scattered and broken. The Eladrin of Moredge had failed to address the needs of their own people, and the city had suffered as a result.   Despite the city's decline, the Eladrin of Moredge continued to pursue their goal of establishing a permanent connection with the Moonwilde. Their obsession with unlocking the secrets of the universe had blinded them to the needs of their own people and the dangers that lurked around them.   As the Eladrin of Moredge continued to bleed the power ambient in the land and attract dark powers to the region, the city became a shadow of its former self. The once-proud buildings and artifacts of the Eladrin lay abandoned and forgotten, and the people of the region viewed the Eladrin with suspicion and fear.   In the end, the Eladrin of Moredge's obsession with unlocking the secrets of the Moonwilde had led to their downfall. Their corruption and misuse of magic had attracted dark powers to the region, and their failure to address the needs of their own people had left them vulnerable to attack from outside forces. The legacy of Moredge serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of hubris and the consequences of neglecting the needs of one's own people.



Total Population: 670
Primary Race: Eladrin
General Attitude: Skeptical and Snoopy
  • Children: 80
  • Adults: 550
  • Elderly: 40
  • Ill/Infirm: 62
  • Known Criminals: 2
  • Urban Population: 506
  • Rural Population: 164

People of Moredge

Moredge was a small settlement nestled in the heart of the frozen tundra, inhabited primarily by Eladrin. The total population of the settlement was 670, with a breakdown of 80 children, 550 adults, and 40 elderly residents. Despite their small numbers, the Eladrin of Moredge were a proud and skeptical people, with a general attitude of curiosity and suspicion towards outsiders.   The settlement was divided into two primary areas, with 506 residents living in the urban areas and 164 residents living in rural areas. The urban areas were the heart of the settlement, with intricate buildings and structures that reflected the advanced magical knowledge of the Eladrin. The rural areas were home to small farms and homesteads, where residents lived a simpler life, focused on survival and self-sufficiency.   There were 62 residents of Moredge who were ill or infirm, a reminder of the harsh realities of life in the frozen tundra. Despite the challenges of living in such a harsh environment, the Eladrin of Moredge were known for their resilience and resourcefulness, finding ways to survive and thrive even in the most difficult of circumstances.   While the majority of the residents of Moredge were law-abiding citizens, there were two known criminals in the settlement. These individuals were viewed with suspicion and distrust by their fellow residents, who were determined to maintain the safety and security of their small community.   Despite their skeptical and snoopy nature, the Eladrin of Moredge were a proud and resilient people, determined to survive and thrive in the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the frozen tundra. Their small settlement may have been isolated and remote, but it was a testament to the strength and determination of the Eladrin people.

Points of interest

The region surrounding Moredge was full of unique and intriguing points of interest that drew adventurers from far and wide. Each location had its own fantastical name and offered a variety of exciting adventure hooks for those brave enough to explore them.  

Nearby Special Features

The Specter's Rest: Located 4308 feet south of Moredge, the Specter's Rest was an abandoned village that was said to be haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants. The journey to the Specter's Rest was perilous, requiring travelers to navigate treacherous ice bridges and frozen rivers. Once there, adventurers would find a village frozen in time, with buildings and homes abandoned and coated in layers of snow and ice. The ghosts of the former inhabitants would appear at night, beckoning adventurers deeper into the ruins. The Specter's Rest offered a variety of adventure hooks, including the search for lost artifacts and the exploration of haunted ruins.   The Whispering Canyon: Located 3960 feet southeast of Moredge, the Whispering Canyon was a natural formation that was said to be inhabited by whispering spirits. The journey to the Whispering Canyon was treacherous, requiring adventurers to navigate narrow mountain paths and steep cliffs. Once there, they would find a deep canyon that seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy. The whispers of the spirits could be heard echoing through the canyon, beckoning adventurers deeper into the darkness. The Whispering Canyon offered a variety of adventure hooks, including the search for lost knowledge and the exploration of ancient ruins.   The Pillars of Eternity: Located 4980 feet west of Moredge, the Pillars of Eternity were a series of ancient stone columns that were said to hold great power. The journey to the Pillars of Eternity was perilous, requiring adventurers to navigate through dense forests and treacherous mountain passes. Once there, they would find towering stone columns that seemed to pulse with a magical energy. The pillars were said to be a gateway to other planes of existence, and the Eladrin of Moredge were known to use them in their magical experiments. The Pillars of Eternity offered a variety of adventure hooks, including the search for ancient artifacts and the exploration of dangerous magical forces.   The Abyssal Chasm: Located 2910 feet west of Moredge, the Abyssal Chasm was a massive pit that seemed to have no bottom. The journey to the Abyssal Chasm was treacherous, requiring adventurers to navigate through dangerous icy terrain and perilous mountain passes. Once there, they would find a massive chasm that seemed to stretch down into the very depths of the earth. The Abyssal Chasm was said to be inhabited by dangerous monsters and otherworldly creatures, and adventurers were warned to tread carefully. The Abyssal Chasm offered a variety of adventure hooks, including the search for lost treasure and the exploration of dangerous magical artifacts.   The Fungal Forest: Located 30 miles west of Moredge, the Fungal Forest was a dense forest of bioluminescent mushrooms that seemed to glow in the darkness. The journey to the Fungal Forest was perilous, requiring adventurers to navigate through dangerous frozen wastelands and treacherous mountain passes. Once there, they would find a forest unlike any other, filled with towering mushroom structures and strange, otherworldly creatures. The Fungal Forest was said to be home to powerful magical artifacts and dangerous beasts, making it a popular destination for adventurers seeking fame and fortune.   Each of these locations offered a unique and exciting adventure for those brave enough to explore them.


The Eladrin of Moredge were known for their advanced magical knowledge and intricate architecture, which reflected their culture and values. The city was divided into districts, each with its own unique architectural style and purpose.   One of the most prominent districts was the Aerisium District, which was characterized by soaring towers and grand arches. The district was named after the ancient Eladrin word for "sky," and it was said that the towers reached towards the heavens themselves. The Aerisium District was home to the city's elite, and its buildings were grand and opulent.   Another district was the Cerarium District, which was known for its intricate mosaics and sculptures. The district was named after the ancient Eladrin word for "art," and it was said that the streets themselves were works of art. The Cerarium District was home to many of the city's artists and artisans, and its buildings were decorated with beautiful carvings and intricate designs.   The Luminar District was named after the ancient Eladrin word for "light," and it was known for its use of luminescent materials in its architecture. The district's buildings were adorned with glowing crystals and illuminated mosaics, creating a stunning effect at night. The Luminar District was home to many of the city's magical scholars and was said to be one of the most mystical and enchanting parts of the city.   The Vitrum District was named after the ancient Eladrin word for "glass," and it was known for its use of glass and crystal in its architecture. The district's buildings were adorned with shimmering glass mosaics and delicate crystal structures, creating a dazzling effect in the sunlight. The Vitrum District was home to many of the city's glassblowers and artisans, and its buildings were renowned for their delicate beauty.   Despite their advanced knowledge of magic and architecture, the Eladrin of Moredge ultimately fell victim to their own hubris and neglect. The once-great city now lay in ruins, a testament to the dangers of ignoring the needs of one's own people in the pursuit of knowledge and power.


Moredge was situated in the heart of the Glacial Continental Glacier, at an elevation of 3494 feet above sea level. The city was located 420.67 miles from the Marine Coast, and the region was characterized by a ground cover of 52%. The Narrow River, a fresh-water river that was 23 feet deep and 115 feet wide, dominated the region.  

Water Features

The Narrow River was navigable and home to a variety of aquatic animals, such as clams and salmon.


Moredge's climate was characterized as Subpolar Wet Tundra, with an average annual temperature of 18F. The region experienced long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The average annual precipitation in the area was 56.81 inches, with an average annual snowfall of 84 feet.   The seasons in the region were characterized as Polar Summer and Polar Winter, with the winters being particularly harsh. The prevailing winds in the area blew from east to west, bringing cold air and snow from the continent.   The harsh climate and remote location of Moredge made life difficult for its inhabitants. Despite these challenges, the Eladrin of Moredge had managed to establish a thriving city, thanks to their advanced magical knowledge and the resources they gained from trade with other factions. However, their focus on their own agenda and neglect of the needs of their own people ultimately led to the decline of the city and the downfall of the Eladrin of Moredge.

Natural Resources

Moredge was home to a variety of natural resources that the Eladrin utilized in their advanced magical creations. These resources included Stones, such as Metamorphic Marble, which was prized for its beauty and used in many Eladrin sculptures and buildings. Additionally, Sedimentary Stones, such as Laterite, Serpentine, and Chalk, were commonly found in the region and used in the construction of Eladrin buildings and artifices.  


The region also had Minerals, such as Sodium, that were valuable for their alchemical properties. The Eladrin used Sodium in their advanced magical experiments and in the creation of powerful enchantments.  

Flora and Fauna

Despite the harsh climate of the region, Moredge was home to a variety of Aquatic life. The Narrow River was home to Clams and Salmon, which were a valuable source of food for the Eladrin.   The Eladrin of Moredge had a deep respect for the natural resources of the region, and they were known for their sustainable use of the land. They took great care to preserve the delicate balance of the ecosystem and to ensure that they did not deplete the resources of the region.   The natural resources of Moredge were an essential part of the Eladrin's advanced magical knowledge and were instrumental in the creation of their powerful enchantments and artifices. The resources of the region allowed the Eladrin to thrive in a harsh and remote environment, and they were a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Eladrin people.
Alternative Name(s)
Kingdom on the Precipice
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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