Eladrin of Moredge

The Eladrin of Moredge were a powerful and fascinating faction that settled in a dangerous, frozen land far to the north. They were led by a King and five Eldest and their lore was rich with history, philosophy, and conflicts with other factions. Their ultimate goal was to establish a permanent connection with the Moonwilde, a plane within a crystal sphere visible from the surface.   In the past, the Eladrin of Moredge were part of a larger group of Eladrin who lived on the Prime Material Plane. They were among the leaders of their people and were known for their wisdom and power. However, during the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, the Eladrin of Moredge were left behind. They saw the Prime Material Plane as full of fools who sacrificed too much to save themselves, rather than controlling their lust for power, which led to the extinguishment of the Stars of Power and sealing magic away forever.   The Eladrin of Moredge decided to settle in a dangerous land far to the frozen north, where they could be isolated from the rest of the world. They founded the city of Moredge and worked to reignite the Star of Power that lit the Porta Ultima, a portal to the Moonwilde. Their ultimate goal was to establish a permanent connection with the Moonwilde and unlock its secrets.   The Eladrin of Moredge had a unique philosophy and goals that set them apart from other factions. They believed that mortals were too greedy and selfish to be trusted with power, and that the Eladrin were the only beings who could be trusted to use magic responsibly.   The Eladrin of Moredge had conflicts with other factions in the past, particularly with the giants and dwarves who also inhabited the region. The giants saw the Eladrin as a threat to their territory, while the dwarves saw them as potential allies. The Eladrin also had conflicts with the mushroom forest, which they saw as a corrupting influence on the region.   The Eladrin of Moredge were led by a King and five Eldest. The King was the ultimate authority in the city, and the Eldest acted as his advisors and enforcers. Each of the Eldest had a specific role and responsibility, and they worked together to ensure the safety and success of the city.   The Eladrin of Moredge had a significant impact on the surrounding area and its inhabitants. They established themselves as a powerful and respected faction in the region, and their presence brought both stability and conflict. Their advanced magical knowledge allowed them to create powerful enchantments that they sold to other factions for a high price. In turn, they used the resources gained from trade to support their own needs and goals.   The theme of hubris was central to the Eladrin's view of the Prime Material Plane and their attitude towards mortals. They saw themselves as superior beings who could be trusted with power, while mortals were too flawed to be trusted. This hubris led to conflicts with other factions and a sense of isolation from the rest of the world. However, the Eladrin's commitment to their goals also drove them to achieve great things, such as reigniting the Star of Power and achieving a permanent connection with the Moonwilde.   Stories of the Eladrin of Moredge have been passed down through the ages, and their impact on the region is still felt to this day. Their unique philosophy, goals, and leadership structure set them apart from other factions in the region, and their impact on the surrounding area and its inhabitants was significant. The Eladrin of Moredge were a powerful force in the region, and their legacy


Leadership Structure:

The Eladrin of Moredge are led by a King and five Eldest. The King is the ultimate authority in the city, and the Eldest act as his advisors and enforcers. Each of the Eldest has a specific role and responsibility, and they work together to ensure the safety and success of the city.  

The Eldest:

  • Thalia:
    The Eldest of Healing. She is responsible for the health and wellbeing of the Eladrin of Moredge and their allies.
  • Arian:
    The Eldest of Knowledge. She is responsible for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge within the city.
  • Taelin:
    The Eldest of Protection. He is responsible for the defense of the city and its inhabitants.
  • Lirien:
    The Eldest of Enchantment. She is responsible for the magical workings of the city and its inhabitants.
  • Erevan:
    The Eldest of War. He is responsible for the military forces of the city and its allies.

Public Agenda

While the Eladrin of Moredge were powerful and advanced, their philosophy and goals ultimately led to their failure as leaders. They saw themselves as superior beings and viewed mortals as flawed and selfish, which created conflicts with other factions in the region.   Their isolationist approach also led to a sense of hubris and disconnection from the rest of the world. This hubris led to conflicts with the giants, mushroom forest, and other factions, which ultimately weakened their position in the region.   Additionally, the Eladrin's focus on their own agenda, specifically establishing a permanent connection with the Moonwilde, left little room for addressing the needs and concerns of their own people. They were focused on their own goals, which left their people vulnerable to attacks from outside forces.   Furthermore, the Eladrin of Moredge's belief that mortals were too flawed to be trusted with power led to their failure as leaders. They failed to recognize the potential for collaboration and cooperation with other factions, which could have helped them achieve their goals and address the needs of their people.   Their focus on advanced magical knowledge and the pursuit of power also left them vulnerable to corruption and the misuse of magic, which ultimately led to their downfall.   Overall, while the Eladrin of Moredge were powerful and advanced, their isolationist approach, hubris, and failure to address the needs of their own people ultimately led to their failure as leaders.
Geopolitical, Colony
Alternative Names
Court of Four Seasons in the North
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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