Kylder Character in Rolara | World Anvil


The Enigmatic Father of Gods

The Sky Sovereign, Lord of Vengeance Kylder (a.k.a. The Breath of Life, The Stormbringer, The Exiled One, The Forgotten God)

In the celestial theater of Rolara, where gods and mortals play their parts on a cosmic stage, Kylder was once the unyielding sky that stretched above all. He was the canvas upon which the sun painted dawns and the moon sketched dusks, a deity of law and balance, his judgments as predictable as the tides and as impartial as the wind.   But even gods are not immune to change.   Now, he dwells in the Far Realms, a place where reality fractures and the laws of nature unravel like threads pulled from a tapestry. Here, Kylder has become a symphony of contradictions, a deity whose essence is a swirling dance of order and chaos. His eyes, once mirrors reflecting the clarity of justice, have clouded over with the mists of enigma. His voice, which once commanded storms and whispered through the winds, now speaks in tongues that echo with the dissonance of cosmic disarray.   Yet, in this realm of incomprehensibility, Kylder finds a strange form of solace. He is no longer bound by the rigid structures of his past, free to explore the labyrinthine corridors of morality and philosophy that stretch before him like endless horizons. And those who dare to seek him out, to listen to the discordant hymn that is his current existence, may find that even in chaos, there lies a form of divine beauty—a beauty that defies understanding but invites endless contemplation.

Divine Domains

In the annals of Rolara's divine history, Kylder's domains have always been clearly delineated: the Sky, Vengeance, and Retribution. As the Sky Sovereign, his control over atmospheric phenomena was absolute, shaping the climate and weather patterns that governed life on Rolara. His edicts on vengeance and retribution were equally influential, serving as the foundation for justice systems across civilizations.   However, Kylder's sojourn in the Far Realms has introduced a seismic shift in his divine essence. This realm, a chaotic tapestry beyond the Astral Sea where reality itself unravels, has left an indelible mark on the deity. Scholars and theologians who have attempted to commune with Kylder post-exile report experiences that defy comprehension—visions of fractal storms and whispers in languages not meant for mortal ears.   This transformation has also manifested in his divine domains. While the core tenets of Sky, Vengeance, and Retribution remain, they have been infused with an otherworldly quality. The storms Kylder now conjures are not just meteorological phenomena but existential tempests that challenge the very fabric of reality. His edicts on vengeance have taken on a cosmic scale, transcending the limitations of mortal justice.   Devotees and clerics who seek to commune with Kylder must now tread carefully. The deity that once stood as a pillar of justice and natural order has evolved into an enigmatic force, his motives and actions refracted through the prism of Far Realm chaos. The Scepter of Storms, once a symbol of his divine responsibilities, is now a conduit for powers that defy mortal understanding.


In epochs long past, when Kylder's dominion over the sky was celebrated with fervor and devotion, several holidays were dedicated to the deity. These ancient days, now lost to the annals of time, were a testament to Kylder's profound influence on Rolara.  

The Day of Thunder

  Held at the zenith of the storm season, The Day of Thunder was a festival of awe and reverence. On this day, the skies would darken as if commanded by Kylder himself, and the heavens would unleash torrents of rain and bolts of lightning. It was believed that each bolt was a divine judgment, a manifestation of Kylder's retributive justice. People would gather in open fields, their faces turned skyward, as they offered prayers and sacrifices to appease the Sky Sovereign.  

The Night of Whispers

  This was a more somber occasion, held under the cloak of darkness when the winds carried the softest of murmurs. Devotees believed that Kylder spoke through these winds, offering cryptic guidance or forewarnings. Families would light candles and sit in silent contemplation, straining their ears to catch the elusive whispers of the deity.  

The Dawn of Balance

  Celebrated at the equinox, The Dawn of Balance marked Kylder's role as the maintainer of cosmic equilibrium. Rituals performed on this day were intricate and solemn, designed to reflect the delicate balance of justice and vengeance that Kylder embodied. Temples dedicated to the deity would open their doors to the public, inviting them to partake in ceremonies that honored the Sky Sovereign's complex moral philosophy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kylder is the embodiment of celestial majesty, his form composed of swirling tempests and ethereal winds. Crowned with lightning and robed in clouds, his visage shifts like the ever-changing sky, a mirror to his complex nature. Though he dwells in the Far Realms, an aura of divine vitality persists, untainted by mortal afflictions or limitations.

Identifying Characteristics

Among Kylder's most striking features is his crown of lightning, a manifestation of his dominion over storms and tempests. This crown not only serves as a symbol of his authority but also as a conduit for his divine power, channeling the raw energy of the heavens into focused bolts of retribution.   His eyes, resembling storm clouds on the verge of releasing torrential rain, are another defining feature. They are windows into his complex moral philosophy, reflecting the ever-changing balance of justice and vengeance that governs his actions. Those who have claimed to witness Kylder's gaze describe it as both awe-inspiring and unsettling, a testament to his dual nature as a deity of creation and destruction.   Kylder's aura of wind and mist is another identifying trait, a constant reminder of his connection to the sky. This aura is not merely aesthetic but functional, serving as a protective barrier and a means of divine communication. It is said that the winds carry Kylder's whispers, messages that can be deciphered by those attuned to his divine frequency.   Lastly, his possession of the Scepter of Storms, an artifact of immense power, sets him apart from other deities. This scepter is not just a weapon but a symbol of his divine responsibilities, embodying his role as the arbiter of vengeance and the maintainer of cosmic balance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kylder's existence is as ancient as the Celestial tapestry that stretches across the heavens of Rolara. Born as the second child to the primordial entity Aiukaothr'gnaxr, Kylder was imbued with the monumental task of shaping and governing the sky. In the nascent days of Rolara, when the world was still finding its form, Kylder's dominion was absolute. His breath gave life to the winds, his voice summoned storms, and his gaze cast lightning across the firmament.   In an epoch marked by divine endeavors, Kylder's role in the creation of humans remains a subject of scholarly debate and theological inquiry. Known as the Daoggoss, these beings were wild and untamed, lacking the innate spark that characterized The Mythekah. Despite this, Kylder's love for them was unyielding, a testament to his complex moral philosophy centered on justice and retribution.   As eons passed, a subtle but inexorable change began to manifest in Kylder's celestial demeanor. The deity, once a vibrant force of nature, started to exhibit signs of existential weariness. Scholars and theologians posit various theories, but the circumstances leading to Kylder's eventual drift to the Far Realms remain shrouded in enigma. Some argue it was a form of divine enlightenment, while others speculate it was a natural progression in the life cycle of a deity. The truth, however, remains elusive.   Today, Kylder is considered an elder god dwelling in the Far Realms, a realm beyond the Astral Sea where the fabric of reality unravels into incomprehensible patterns. His influence on Rolara is a subject of ongoing research, as devotees and skeptics alike ponder the enigmatic nature of his existence. Whether Kylder's journey to the Far Realms was a form of exile, enlightenment, or an inevitable cosmic drift is a question that continues to captivate the minds of those who study the divine.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kylder's accomplishments are as vast as the sky he once ruled. Among his most notable achievements is the creation of the atmospheric phenomena that govern Rolara's climate. From the gentlest breezes to the most ferocious storms, each was a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship. His control over these elements was not merely an exhibition of power but a carefully orchestrated balance that allowed life to flourish on Rolara.   Another monumental accomplishment was his role in the establishment of divine laws, particularly those concerning vengeance and retribution. Kylder's edicts became the cornerstone of justice systems across multiple civilizations, embodying the deity's complex moral philosophy. These laws were not static but evolved over time, reflecting Kylder's analytical and strategic intellect.   Perhaps his most contested but nonetheless significant accomplishment was his role in the creation of humans, the Daoggoss. Though other deities have laid claim to this act, Kylder's unique connection to these beings cannot be overlooked. His love for them, despite their perceived imperfections, speaks volumes about his character and divine goals.   Even gods are not immune to failure, and Kylder is no exception. The most glaring of these is the ambiguous circumstances that led to his drift to the Far Realms. This event marked a turning point in Kylder's existence, casting a shadow over his previous accomplishments and raising questions about the nature of divinity itself. The existential weight of this event has left an indelible mark on Kylder, contributing to his enigmatic and complex character.   Another failure, though less catastrophic, was the inability to prevent the corruption and misuse of his divine laws. Over time, mortal beings twisted these edicts to serve their own ends, leading to miscarriages of justice that contradicted Kylder's original intent. This failure serves as a poignant reminder of the limitations even gods must grapple with.

Morality & Philosophy

Kylder's morality is a tapestry woven from the threads of justice and retribution, a complex fabric that drapes the heavens and touches the earth. As the Sky Sovereign, his moral compass was once as predictable as the cycles of the Moon—illuminating but never wavering. He stood as the arbiter of divine justice, a Celestial judge whose gavel was forged from bolts of lightning and whose courtroom was the boundless sky.   His philosophy was a hymn sung to the tune of cosmic balance, a melody that resonated across the plains of Rolara and echoed in the hearts of mortals and gods alike. Kylder believed that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction; for every injustice, a corresponding act of retribution. This philosophy was not merely an abstract concept but a divine law that governed his actions and influenced the world below.   However, his time in the Far Realms has added dissonant notes to this once harmonious hymn. If Kylder's original philosophy was a well-tuned instrument, his current state is akin to a piano with keys that produce unpredictable sounds—sometimes harmonious, sometimes jarring. The Far Realms have introduced an element of chaos into his moral fabric, like a sudden gust of wind that disrupts a calm sea. His judgments, once guided by the steady hand of law, are now influenced by forces that defy mortal comprehension.   In essence, Kylder's morality and philosophy have evolved into a complex symphony, a composition that blends the structured melodies of his past with the discordant tones of his present. It is a music that invites both awe and caution, a reminder that even gods are subject to the transformative power of time and experience.
Divine Classification
Elder Deity
Lawful Neutral


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