
Grinning Survivalists

Goblins, scientifically known as Goblinoids, are a fey species native to Rolara. They are often underestimated due to their perceived lack of intelligence compared to adventurers from other worlds. However, this generalization doesn't hold true for all Goblins. Despite their reputation, Goblins occasionally produce remarkable individuals who defy the stereotype and prove themselves as heroes in their own right, although this is a rare occurrence.   Goblins are known for their affiliation with the Unseelie Court, a mysterious and often misunderstood organization. They inhabit the ruins that date back to before the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, hinting at their resilience and adaptability.   While Goblins are typically seen as a nuisance and are often attacked on sight, a lone Goblin is usually a sign of a larger problem. This is especially true since the Eruption of Mount Origin, which led to the emergence of Bugbears. These smarter and meaner Goblins have managed to organize their kin to a certain extent, causing more trouble for the other inhabitants of Rolara.   Despite their primitive lifestyle, Goblins are not without their own form of ingenuity. They are known to craft intricate traps, often employing a Rube-Goldberg style of design that, surprisingly, tends to work. They also scavenge from their victims, which can sometimes lead to Goblins wielding goods clearly not of their own making.   However, it's important to note that there are no notable Goblins in the history of Rolara yet. This could be due to their general lack of organization or perhaps their stories simply haven't been told. Regardless, the potential for a Goblin hero or villain in your Rolara adventure is an exciting prospect for any Dungeon Master or player.

Basic Information


Goblins, or Goblinoids as they are scientifically known, are a fascinating study in the diversity of fey species. Their physical characteristics can vary significantly, reflecting the adaptability of their kind.  

Physical Characteristics

The typical Goblin stands at a height significantly shorter than the average Human. They possess a wiry strength that belies their small stature, and their skin tones can range from the traditional green to bright red, depending on their geographical location.  


Goblins are a testament to the power of adaptability. They inhabit the ruins dating back to before the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, demonstrating their ability to survive and thrive in harsh conditions. Their physical characteristics, too, reflect this adaptability, with variations seen across different regions.  

Ingenuity and Craftsmanship

Despite their primitive lifestyle, Goblins are not without their own form of ingenuity. They are known to craft intricate traps, often employing a Rube-Goldberg style of design that, surprisingly, tends to work. This suggests a level of understanding of mechanics and physics that is often overlooked in their species.  

Evolution: The Emergence of Bugbears

A significant development in Goblin evolution is the emergence of Bugbears following the Eruption of Mount Origin. These Goblins are smarter and meaner, demonstrating an increased level of organization among their kin. This evolution suggests a potential for further development and complexity within the Goblin species.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins, despite their reputation, have a complex relationship with other species in Rolara. Their interactions are often dictated by survival, leading to a range of responses from other species.  


Humans generally view Goblins as a nuisance, often attacking them on sight. This is due to the Goblins' tendency to scavenge from their victims, leading to a perception of them as thieves and scavengers. However, the emergence of Bugbears has led to a shift in this dynamic. These smarter and meaner Goblins have managed to organize their kin to a certain extent, causing more trouble for Human settlements.  


Goblins have a unique affiliation with the Unseelie Court, a mysterious and often misunderstood organization of the Fey. This relationship is not well understood by other species, leading to further mistrust and fear of Goblins.  

Other Species

Goblins' interactions with other species are largely unrecorded, perhaps due to their general lack of organization. However, their resilience and adaptability suggest that they have the potential to interact with a wide range of species, depending on their survival needs.   In conclusion, while Goblins are often viewed negatively by other species, their adaptability and resilience suggest a potential for more complex interspecies relations. The emergence of Bugbears, in particular, indicates a shift in the Goblins' societal structure that could lead to new dynamics in their interactions with other species.
Scientific Name
Related Organizations


Author's Notes

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