
The Lost Island Continent, Home of the Mythical Dragonborn

In Rolara, the lost island continent of Aikibira is home to the mythical Dragonborn, a proud and isolated society with a rich history and ancient technology. The island is dominated by a single city, centered around a magical fountain that plays a vital role in the daily lives of the inhabitants.  


Life's Wellspring

The magical fountain at the heart of Aikibira is the lifeblood of the city. The waters from this fountain are infused with healing energies, and its power is said to enhance the health and well-being of the Dragonborn population. Every day, residents come to the fountain to draw water for their homes, pay homage to their ancestors, and receive blessings. The fountain also serves as a gathering place, where community events and political debates take place. Some think that the spring, Mirikath, feeds the fountain at the heart of the city.
  The name is derived from two components:
  • "Vaelyx" (Life): This component signifies the life-sustaining properties of the magic fountain. It embodies the healing energies and positive impact on the health and well-being of the Aikibiran Dragonborn population.
  • "Urth" (Wellspring): This component represents the fountain's role as a constant source of magical water, with the term "wellspring" often used to describe an abundant and continuous supply of something valuable.
The name "Vaelyx'urth" encapsulates the magic fountain's dual role as a life-giving force and a central gathering point for the Dragonborn society, underlining its importance in their daily lives and culture.  

The Senate and the King

Aikibira is governed by a Senate, consisting of elder Dragonborn chosen for their wisdom and dedication to the well-being of their people. The Senate is responsible for enacting laws, managing resources, and ensuring the continuation of Aikibira's ancient customs. While the King holds ultimate authority, he is a benevolent ruler who works closely with the Senate to preserve the harmony and stability of their society.   King Telmos Draken Xargrax, a progressive and curious ruler, has reigned over Aikibira for nearly 3,000 years, his exceptional longevity attributed to the life-giving powers of the Vaelyx'urth. Throughout his long rule, King Telmos has focused on innovation and fostering relationships with the outside world, believing that Aikibira's prosperity and growth lie in embracing change and new ideas.   However, not all in the Senate share the King's vision. A prominent and influential Senator, who is only 1,012 years old, strongly opposes the King's progressive stance. This Senator is an ardent isolationist and staunch conservative, advocating for the preservation of Aikibira's ancient traditions and minimal contact with the outside world. He believes that Aikibira's unique culture and heritage must be protected at all costs, fearing that exposure to foreign influences will dilute their customs and weaken their society.   This ideological divide between the King and the Senator has led to heated debates and intense political maneuvering within the Senate. The Senator has garnered a significant following, with many Dragonborn resonating with his message of cultural preservation and self-reliance. On the other hand, there are those who support King Telmos, seeing the potential benefits of forging new alliances and adopting innovative ideas.   While both the King and the conservative Senator hold the well-being of their people at heart, their contrasting approaches have created a delicate balance of power within the Senate. The King's open-mindedness and drive for progress are tempered by the Senator's dedication to tradition and caution, resulting in a nuanced and ever-evolving political landscape in Aikibira. This dynamic offers opportunities for intrigue and conflict, as the Dragonborn navigate the complexities of their society's governance and future direction.  

Customs, Traditions, and Festivals

Aikibiran culture places great importance on community ties and the preservation of their ancient heritage. Festivals are an essential part of daily life, with the Senate organizing celebrations throughout the year to honor their history, ancestors, and the elemental forces that govern their world. The most important festival is the Day of Remembrance, where the Dragonborn pay tribute to their fallen heroes and the spirits of their ancestors. Other notable festivals include the Festival of Flames, celebrating the power of fire, and the Festival of Tides, which honors the ocean and the Aikibiran ship captains.  

Ruins of the Forgotten Kingdom

Located southeast of the city lies the ruins of a forgotten Dragonborn kingdom, a testament to the ancient prowess and might of Aikibira's ancestors. These ruins are a source of great pride and curiosity for the Dragonborn, who often embark on expeditions to uncover the secrets of their past. The ruins also serve as a potent reminder of the potential consequences of stagnation and the importance of looking forward.  

Aikibiran Dragonborn Worldview

Given their isolation, Aikibiran Dragonborn view themselves as the protectors of ancient knowledge and their unique way of life. While they are aware of the outside world, they see it as a source of potential danger and disruption, and are wary of outsiders. They are proud of their heritage and have a strong sense of duty to preserve their culture and the legacy of their ancestors.  

Competing Factions Among Ship Captains

Rivalries among Aikibiran ship captains are fueled by their desire to achieve fame and recognition. Some captains are more traditional, adhering to ancient methods of navigation and shipbuilding, while others are open to innovation and new ideas. This rivalry often leads to intense competitions, where captains race to find new trade routes or discover uncharted territories.   Ancient Shipbuilding and Control Orb Manufacturing The Dragonborn of Aikibira have preserved and improved their ancient shipbuilding techniques through a combination of tradition, innovation, and careful study of the past. Skilled artisans, known as Shipwrights, craft vessels from durable Aikibiran wood and imbue them with elemental magics to enhance their speed and power. The control orbs, which are used to navigate and control the ships, are created by skilled Enchanters who use a combination of elemental energies and ancient Aikibiran runes.


Aikibira's population of 13,040 is predominantly Dragonborn, with a single exception: an Antediluvian Tathar Human named Clyde. The community is known for its friendly and inquisitive nature, with residents taking a keen interest in the lives of their neighbors.  

Population Distribution

The population is composed of various age groups, with a notably high number of elderly Dragonborn. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Children: 2
  • Adults: 3,128
  • Elderly: 9,889
  • Ill/Infirm: 1,328

The urban population, totaling 9,934, is concentrated in the city center around Vaelyx'urth, while the remaining 3,106 residents live in rural areas, maintaining farms and attending to various crafts.  

Clyde, the Tathar Human

Clyde, the sole human residing in Aikibira, is a curiosity and a subject of fascination among the Dragonborn. Despite being an outsider, he has been welcomed into the community and has adapted well to their customs and way of life. His unique perspective and experiences have enriched Aikibira's culture, making him a valuable member of the society.  

Dragonborn Childbirth and the Two Children

In Aikibira, Dragonborn childbirth is an extremely rare and cherished event. The two children, known by almost every Dragonborn on the island, are doted upon and showered with affection. This overwhelming attention stems from the Dragonborn's belief in the importance of nurturing and protecting their young, who are seen as the future of their society.  
Spoiling the Children
As a result of this cultural emphasis on cherishing children, all Dragonborn grow up having been spoiled by their community. This communal nurturing creates a strong sense of unity and interconnectedness among the Dragonborn, forging lifelong bonds and a shared responsibility for each other's well-being. This collective approach to child-rearing also reinforces the values of generosity and compassion, shaping the character of Aikibira's Dragonborn and contributing to the friendly and nosy nature of the community.  

Known Criminals:

Despite the strong bonds and shared values among the Dragonborn, Aikibira is not without its share of criminal activity. There are 170 known criminals within the community, though they represent a small fraction of the overall population. These individuals are monitored and, when necessary, brought to justice by the Aikibiran authorities, ensuring that peace and order are maintained within the society.


Aikibira operates under a balanced system of governance, with the King working closely with the Senate to maintain the stability and prosperity of the settlement. Laws, taxation, and organization are carefully designed to uphold the community's values and ensure the well-being of all residents.  


The legal system in Aikibira is built upon a foundation of ancient Dragonborn customs and traditions, with an emphasis on community welfare, respect for elders, and preservation of their unique culture. Laws are enacted by the Senate, with input from the King, and are designed to promote harmony and fairness within the society.   Key laws include prohibitions against theft, violence, and the misuse of magic, as well as regulations governing trade and commerce. Laws protecting Aikibira's natural resources and environment are also in place, reflecting the Dragonborn's deep connection with the land and their desire to maintain its health for future generations.  


Aikibira's taxation system is progressive and aims to distribute the settlement's wealth fairly among its residents. Taxes are primarily levied on income and property, with higher rates for wealthier individuals and businesses. These taxes fund public services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, ensuring that all residents have access to a high standard of living.   A portion of the tax revenue is also dedicated to maintaining the magical fountain, Vaelyx'urth, which plays a crucial role in the Dragonborn's health and well-being. Additionally, taxes support the Aikibiran military and navy, providing protection against potential threats from the outside world.  


The organization responsible for keeping Aikibira alive is a well-coordinated machine, with various departments and officials working in harmony to address the settlement's needs. Under the guidance of the King and the Senate, these departments manage resources, implement policies, and oversee the provision of public services.   Key departments within the organization include:
  • The Department of Agriculture: Ensures food security and sustainable farming practices within the rural population.
  • The Department of Trade and Commerce: Regulates trade, both domestic and international, and fosters economic growth.
  • The Department of Education and Culture: Provides education to the Dragonborn population and preserves their unique customs, traditions, and history.
  • The Department of Health and Welfare: Manages the healthcare system, including the maintenance of Vaelyx'urth, and provides assistance to the ill and infirm.
  • The Department of Infrastructure: Oversees the construction and maintenance of public facilities, including roads, ports, and public spaces.
  • The Department of Defense: Ensures the security of Aikibira through the maintenance of the military and navy.
Through a combination of effective laws, a fair taxation system, and a well-organized government structure, Aikibira continues to thrive as a harmonious and prosperous Dragonborn settlement.


Aikibira, the secluded island continent, has developed a robust system of defenses to protect its inhabitants from external threats and preserve its unique Dragonborn society. The defenses of Aikibira can be categorized into two main aspects: the constructed fortifications and the natural defenses provided by the island's geography.  

Walls: Stone Wall

Aikibira is fortified by a massive stone wall that encircles the entire settlement, serving as a formidable barrier against potential invaders. The wall is constructed using advanced Dragonborn masonry techniques, ensuring its durability and resilience. Guard towers are strategically positioned along the wall, providing vantage points for sentries to spot and respond to any threats. Access to Aikibira is strictly controlled through a limited number of heavily guarded gates, such as the one in District 5: Thurirl'ash.  

Natural Defenses: Butte

The island of Aikibira is blessed with unique geographical features that offer additional layers of protection. One such feature is the presence of a large butte, a steep-sided, flat-topped hill that dominates the landscape. This natural elevation provides a strategic advantage for the Dragonborn, allowing them to observe the surrounding waters and spot approaching ships or potential dangers from afar. The butte also presents a significant challenge for any potential invaders, as the steep slopes and difficult terrain hinder any large-scale land assault.  
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Types of Threats:

Despite their isolation, Aikibira and its Dragonborn inhabitants face various threats that necessitate their elaborate defenses. Some of these threats include:  
  • Pirates and Marauders:
    Due to the island's remote location and the Dragonborn's ancient shipbuilding expertise, Aikibira may attract the attention of pirates and marauders seeking to plunder their valuable resources, technology, or artifacts.
  • Natural Disasters:
    Aikibira's position on the open sea makes it vulnerable to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, or earthquakes. The defenses of the city, particularly the stone wall, provide a degree of protection against the destructive forces of nature.
  • Political Rivals:
    As the Dragonborn of Aikibira become more engaged with the outside world, they may encounter political rivals seeking to undermine their power, destabilize their society, or exploit their resources. The defenses in place are designed to deter any covert incursions or acts of sabotage.
  • Mythical Creatures:
    Being a realm of mythical Dragonborn, Aikibira might attract the attention of powerful creatures from the depths of the ocean or the skies above. These beings could pose a significant threat to the island's inhabitants, necessitating strong defenses to repel or deter them.
  Aikibira's defenses, both constructed and natural, are designed to protect the Dragonborn population from a diverse array of potential threats. This intricate defensive system ensures the safety and continuity of their unique society, allowing the Dragonborn to focus on their internal challenges, cultural development, and growing connections with the outside world.


The entrepreneurial spirits of Aikibira have developed a robust and diverse infrastructure that reflects the Dragonborn's resourcefulness and adaptability. This infrastructure supports the daily needs of the population and showcases their innovative prowess.  

Watermills and Windmills

Harnessing the natural power of water and wind, the Dragonborn have constructed watermills and windmills throughout the settlement. These structures are utilized for various purposes, such as milling grain for food production and powering machinery for crafts and workshops.  

Sewers and Irrigation

Aikibira boasts a sophisticated sewer system that ensures proper waste management and sanitation for its residents. The main irrigation method employed in the settlement is basin irrigation, which efficiently distributes water to the agricultural fields and helps maintain a reliable food supply.  

Courtyards and Public Spaces

The city is dotted with numerous courtyards and public spaces, providing areas for residents to gather, socialize, and celebrate their unique culture. These spaces often host festivals and community events, strengthening the bonds among the Dragonborn and reinforcing their shared identity.  

Blast Furnaces and Industry

The industrious Dragonborn have developed blast furnaces and other advanced technologies to support their thriving economy. These facilities enable the production of high-quality metal goods, including weapons, armor, and ship components, as well as contributing to the island's renowned shipbuilding industry.  

Roads and Bridges

The road network in Aikibira is primarily composed of cobblestone roads, which are durable and well-maintained to facilitate travel and transportation throughout the settlement. Bridges have been strategically constructed to span rivers and ravines, connecting the various districts and rural areas of the island.  


Aikibira's shipyards are a testament to the Dragonborn's ancient shipbuilding expertise and their constant pursuit of innovation. These facilities produce cutting-edge vessels for exploration, trade, and defense, reflecting the society's growing interest in interacting with the outside world.


  1. Drakheq'ash: Shanty Town

    • Population: 3,273
    • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
    • Secondary Building Styles: None
    • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
    • Cleanliness: Filthy
    • Upkeep: Condemned
      Drakheq'ash, the Shanty Town, is a densely populated area on the outskirts of Aikibira. The housing is primarily composed of clay lined fiber, offering a utilitarian yet impoverished atmosphere. Due to the lack of resources and infrastructure, the district's cleanliness is poor, and many buildings are in dire need of repair or replacement. Despite the challenging living conditions, the residents of Drakheq'ash are resilient and resourceful, making the most of what they have.   The name "Drakheq'ash" combines the Draconic word for "survivor" with the word for "place," reflecting the resilience and resourcefulness of the inhabitants who make the most of their challenging living conditions in this shanty town.
  3. Vorel'ash: Residential

    • Population: 5,016
    • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
    • Secondary Building Styles: Adobe
    • Aesthetics: Basic
    • Cleanliness: Tidy
    • Upkeep: Neglected
      Vorel'ash is a larger residential area with a mix of clay lined fiber and adobe structures. While the aesthetics are simple and functional, the district is generally tidy, reflecting the residents' pride in their community. However, some buildings have been neglected over time, resulting in a decline in overall upkeep. As the primary living space for Aikibira's urban population, Vorel'ash is a bustling and vibrant part of the city.   The name "Vorel'ash" incorporates the Draconic word for "home" and "place," emphasizing that this district is the primary residential area where most of Aikibira's urban population lives.
  5. Yrthok'ash: Merchant

    • Population: 770
    • Primary Building Style: Adobe
    • Secondary Building Styles: Clay Lined Fiber and Stone
    • Aesthetics: Basic
    • Cleanliness: Filthy
    • Upkeep: Impeccable
      Yrthok'ash is the political and commercial heart of Aikibira, home to Vaelyx'urth, the Senate, the King's palace, and other government institutions; to merchants, traders, and artisans. Adobe buildings dominate the district, with clay lined fiber and stone structures complementing the primary style. The aesthetics are basic, but the upkeep of the buildings is impeccable, showcasing the merchants' commitment to their businesses. However, due to the high volume of trade and commerce, the district struggles with cleanliness and waste management.   The name "Yrthok'ash" fuses the Draconic word for "trade" with the word for "place," highlighting the district's role as the commercial center of Aikibira, home to merchants, traders, and artisans.
  7. Ornaar'ash 4: Craftsmen

    • Population: 72
    • Primary Building Style: Stone
    • Secondary Building Styles: Adobe
    • Aesthetics: Derelict
    • Cleanliness: Orderly
    • Upkeep: Lived-in
      Ornaar'ash is a small community of skilled craftsmen, responsible for producing Aikibira's exquisite crafts, weapons, and ship components. Stone is the primary building material, with adobe structures interspersed throughout the district. Despite the derelict aesthetics, the area is orderly and well-maintained, reflecting the meticulous nature of the craftsmen who live and work there.   The name "Ornaar'ash" combines the Draconic word for "craft" with the word for "place," emphasizing the district's identity as the home of skilled craftsmen who produce Aikibira's exquisite crafts, weapons, and ship components.
  9. Thurirl'ash: Gate

    • Population: 803
    • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
    • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
    • Aesthetics: Basic
    • Cleanliness: Filthy
    • Upkeep: Well-appointed
    •   Thurirl'ash serves as the gateway to Aikibira, connecting the city to the harbor and the outside world. The district features clay lined fiber structures, fortified with stone elements to ensure security and stability. While the aesthetics are basic, the district is well-maintained, reflecting the importance of its role as the city's entrance. However, due to the constant influx of travelers and trade, the district struggles with cleanliness and waste management.   The name "Thurirl'ash" merges the Draconic word for "gateway" with the word for "place," reflecting the district's role as the entrance to Aikibira and its connection to the harbor and the outside world.


In the annals of Aikibiran history, it is said that magic was never fully sealed from the world, for every Dragonborn born on the island possessed innate magical abilities inherited from their draconic ancestors. While many of these Dragonborn were skilled in sorcery, a select few had the gift of wizardry.   However, the use of magic was not common in Aikibira, save for one purpose: the protection of their fishing vessels from monstrous sea creatures. These vessels were the pinnacle of ancient Dragonborn technology and were piloted not by sails or oars, but by the intentions of the captain attuned to the crystal orb in the ship's power chamber. Each ship had its own orb, usually passed down the maternal line.   But even with their magical defenses, the Dragonborn of Aikibira were not invincible. Though they had a magnificent magic fountain at the heart of their city, whose waters could cure all diseases and extend one's lifespan, death still came to the island. The fountain's powers did not extend to the renewal of magical items or the recharging of magical energy, and the potion of longevity distilled from the fountain waters was strictly forbidden to be taken away from the city, lest it fall into the wrong hands.   However, there were few visitors to Aikibira, for the island was difficult to find and even harder to reach. Only two outsiders were known to have set foot on the island in recorded history. The first was a thief of legend, Clyde the Antediluvian, who chose to make his home on the island and befriended the King. Clyde had his own tower in the city, where he spent most of his days lost in books and thought.   The second visitor was a thief of infamy, Icaghor the Antediluvian, Lugal of Tatharia, who came to Aikibira with a thieving purpose. He absconded with a ship loaded with the draught of longevity distilled from the fountain waters and several tomes on magic. Icaghor's act of theft caused the draught to be outlawed and strict measures to be put in place to prevent any such theft from happening again.   Thus, the Dragonborn of Aikibira continued to thrive and live their lives under the watchful gaze of Vaelyx'urth, the magic fountain at the heart of their city. Cherishing the few children born on the island, they continued to live their lives in harmony with the natural world and the magic that flowed through their veins.  

Notable Historical Events and Figures:

Aikibira has seen its share of historical events and influential figures. One such figure is Siroth the Explorer, who charted the unexplored regions of Rolara and expanded the Dragonborn's knowledge of the world. Another significant event was the Fall of the Forgotten Kingdom, which led to the establishment of the Senate and the reinforcement of the importance of community values.

Points of interest

Aikibira and its surrounding landscape are rich with fascinating points of interest that reflect the island's unique history, geography, and culture. Here are some prominent features that captivate the attention of both locals and visitors alike:  
  1. Lathav'ir Ruins:

    Located 4.49 miles southeast of Aikibira lies the ruins of a forgotten Dragonborn kingdom. These ancient structures provide a glimpse into the distant past and the once-mighty civilization that has now been reclaimed by nature. The ruins are a place of mystery, adventure, and discovery for those who dare to venture into their depths. Tales of hidden treasures, long-lost knowledge, and powerful artifacts continue to draw adventurers and researchers alike, eager to uncover the secrets buried within the crumbling walls.   The name "Lathav'ir" combines the Draconic words for "lost" and "city," emphasizing the ancient and forgotten nature of the Dragonborn kingdom ruins. This name evokes a sense of mystery and the passage of time, reflecting the enigmatic history of the once-great civilization.
  3. Mirikath:

    Flowing 3.39 miles northeast of Aikibira, a pristine stream meanders through the landscape, providing a vital source of fresh water for the Dragonborn and the surrounding ecosystem. The stream is not only essential for the survival of the inhabitants but also serves as a picturesque spot for relaxation and contemplation. Its clear, sparkling waters are rumored to have healing properties, attracting the attention of those seeking solace or respite from their ailments. It is thought to be related to or have the same source as the fountain in the city, but it has never been confirmed in any historical record.   The name "Mirikath" fuses the Draconic words for "clear" and "water," highlighting the pristine, sparkling quality of the stream that flows near Aikibira. This name conveys the stream's importance as a source of life and healing for the Dragonborn population.
  5. Numin'oz:

    Situated 2.87 miles northeast of Aikibira, a mysterious bottomless pit intrigues and terrifies locals and visitors alike. The pit is an enigma, with no one able to ascertain its true depth or origin. Some believe it to be a gateway to another realm, while others speculate that it may have been created by a powerful magical force or a divine being. The bottomless pit is a place of wonder and caution, as those who venture too close risk falling into its seemingly endless Abyss.   The name "Numin'oz" merges the Draconic words for "depth" and "unknown," reflecting the enigmatic nature of the bottomless pit and its uncertain origin. This name captures the sense of wonder and caution associated with the pit, as well as the potential dangers it poses.
  7. Sthariv'oth:

    Standing tall 4.91 miles northeast of Aikibira, the majestic butte is a striking natural landmark that dominates the landscape. This steep-sided, flat-topped hill provides a strategic advantage for the Dragonborn, offering an elevated vantage point to survey the surrounding seas and spot potential threats from afar. The butte also serves as a symbol of Aikibira's resilience and strength, with its imposing presence a constant reminder of the island's natural defenses.   The name "Sthariv'oth" combines the Draconic words for "high" and "guardian," emphasizing the butte's strategic importance and its role as a natural defense for Aikibira. This name evokes the butte's imposing presence and the sense of protection it provides to the Dragonborn inhabitants.


Aikibira is situated on a Coastal Marine Shore Complex, nestled 3.04 miles inland from the marine coast and elevated at 20 feet above sea level. This unique geographic location contributes to the settlement's distinct landscape and natural features.   The area surrounding Aikibira boasts a 23% ground cover, providing ample space for Dragonborn to build their homes, cultivate their crops, and engage in various activities. The island's climate is characterized as a subtropical scrubland, with an average annual temperature of 73°F and average annual precipitation of 15.30 inches. The climate is divided into two distinct seasons: a dry season and a wet season. The prevailing winds blow from southeast to northwest, influencing the local weather patterns and ocean currents, which are warm and favorable for navigation.   Aikibira's coastal location offers an abundance of water features, both marine and freshwater. The nearby sea has a depth of 558 feet and is teeming with aquatic life such as oysters and tilefish. It is navigable, allowing the Dragonborn to maintain their ancient shipbuilding traditions and explore the surrounding waters.   A large freshwater lake is also found near Aikibira, with a depth of 43 feet and a diverse array of aquatic animals, including clams, basa, bass, and trout. This lake is also navigable, providing a valuable source of fresh water and a means of transportation for the Dragonborn.   The geography of Aikibira offers an ideal environment for the Dragonborn to thrive, with a variety of natural resources, favorable climate, and abundant water sources. The unique coastal marine shore complex, combined with the island's diverse ecosystem, shapes the culture, lifestyle, and history of the Dragonborn inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Aikibira boasts a diverse range of natural resources, essential for the Dragonborn's sustenance and development. The island's geology consists of sedimentary stones like chalk, sandstone, and travertine, used in construction and crafting. Rich copper deposits are extracted from the island's mines, essential for crafting tools, weapons, and artifacts.   Fertile lands support crops like corn, chia, and kiwicha, along with vegetables such as potatoes, asparagus, and shallots. Flax is cultivated for its fibers, useful in textiles. Livestock includes Appenninica sheep and Bakosi cattle, while ecosystems provide prey like lizards, jackrabbits, elephants, and antelopes. Aquatic resources consist of fish species, oysters, and clams, and the coastal and lake ecosystems support plant life such as Pampas grass and lentil plants.   Aikibira is also home to various monsters. Among them are Griffons, patrolling the skies and occasionally hunted for their feathers and beaks; Blink Dogs, valued for their loyalty and unique teleportation abilities; and Stirges, which pose a threat to livestock and need to be kept at bay. These creatures contribute to the island's unique ecosystem and provide challenges for the Dragonborn population, shaping their resilience and resourcefulness.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Lost Island
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location


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