There are three major continents across the Known World of Rodinia. From west to east they are Khemit, Rodinia and Lucarcia. Khemit is a huge island which comprises one massive, though sparsely populated kingdom of the same name. Ruled over by the god-king Pharaoh it is an arid, desert land where most of the continent is uninhabitable. A huge river, the Nylle, flows down the center of the kingdom from south to north, spilling out into the sea at the Buto delta. Its capital is Luxore which is both where the Pharoah calls his home and where the mage-priests called the Keri-heb make their base. The Rodinian Continent is the central and largest of the three continents and home to most of the people in the Known World. The Empire of Rodinia is the main civilization on this continent but The Empire of Honshu is also a big and significant culture here. The furthest east lies the Lucarcian Continent. This is a large island continent which used to be one single land mass. It was cracked into four separate islands around five hundred years ago when Emperor Lucar ordered the High Magi of the land to split the lands in an event now known as The Sundering