Session 6 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 6

General Summary

The party explored the area immediately surrounding the bear's cave and discovered a new and not dwarven made tunnel which lead straight out onto the mountainside some 5 miles south of the Dragon's Perch. Being that close to the most powerful and evil creature in the whole of the kingdom made them slightly nervous and they returned to the relative safety of the Glitterhame. They continued to explore the caverns and caves of this vast sprawling area and soon discovered the lair of the lizard like creatures that had been controlling the bear. The group tried to infiltrate the lair quietly but the alert guards spotted them and raised the alarm. A massive battle ensued and the leader of the troglodytes, some sort of spell caster, managed to escape. The party cleared the rest of the area and then continued to explore the glittering cave system. They found what looked like a silver door in the cave side and made their way there, only to be ambushed by a small group of snake-like creatures called gricks. The party's superior combat prowess soon showed through and they overcame the monsters. The door turned out to be made of mithril silver and was a perfect example of dwarven craftsmanship. It was also completely unbypassable for the group, but did have a simple keyhole. The group decided their next task was to find the key that opened it! They continued to explore the southern parts of the Glitterhame, and found a cavern with a huge white scaled lizard in it. The lizard was chained up by it's back leg and looked angry and hungry. They decided to avoid it. They moved through another cavern through which an underground stream fed into a deep sinkhole. Unfortunately, Tor slipped and fell, sliding down into the stream and being carried mercilessly towards the sinkhole and an unknown fate. The party rallied quickly to save him but even their most valiant efforts were in vain. Kai reached the half orc and got a hold of his wrist but he couldn't stop the barbarian from being pulled over the edge. With an act of immense courage the monk went over the falls with Tor, thinking that he was most likely to be able to help the orc when they reached the bottom, but having no idea as to the depth of the fall. The others carefully reached the edge of the sinkhole and looked down - it fell into the darkness further than anyone could see.   The three remaining adventurers made their way quickly down a winding staircase cut into the rock near to the sinkhole. When they reached the bottom they were amazed and pleased to find their two hardy companions just climbing out of the plunge pool made by the waterfall. The two heroes were a bit battered and very wet but otherwise okay. In fact they had rather enjoyed the drop and were considering going back for another go! Reunited once more the party decided to explore this new level of the complex, still searching for the elusive key to the mithril door. The area down here was more natural caverns but with a few rooms of dressed stone, obviously dwarven in make.   Searching through these rooms for anything of value, Traubon was attacked by a patch of grey ooze - a weird liquid-creature that looks like a patch of wet stone. Its acidic nature makes it extremely dangerous however. Flek was able to pepper it with a few arrows whilst Kai tried to set light to it to no avail. Traubon escaped it's grasp but it got hold of Flek, dissolving his chain shirt in seconds. Lady Fortuna saved the day, bravely stepping up and smiting it with her extremely potent magical blade. The killing blow saved Flek's life but such is the power of the acid of these creatures that her blade was melted in the attack. The party continued on exploring and found a set of sunken rooms. Traubon circumnavigated them, using Flek's javelin to prod under the water searching. He found the skeleton of a long dead orc and a couple of potion bottles for his trouble, having to dive deep into the stagnant water to retrieve them.   Further along these passages the group came to another section with a stream running along side it. On the other side of the stream was a ledge and atop this ledge a weird looking stalagmite. Passing by towards the next turning in the passage, the stalagmite suddenly lashed out with sticky tentacles, grabbing Traubon and Kai. These tentacles also had an extremely draining effect and the two heroes were pulled almost helplessly towards the stalagmite's razor sharp teeth. The creature was a roper - one of the most feared and deadly creatures to inhabit the depths of the underdark. By the time the party had finally bested it, Traubon was too weak to even crawl, Lady Fortuna was lying on the ledge, too weak to move inside her armour and Kai was close to collapse himself. Tor was feeling okay but not brilliant and only Flek had escaped unharmed. They regrouped back to the safety of the storerooms and rested. They could see it would take them a good few days to even begin to recover. Fortunately it appeared that this place was relatively quiet and safe. A couple of days later Traubon started to develop the first signs of filth fever but Lady Fortuna was able to cure him through her divine gift of healing. Soon, it was decided that Kai should run back to the dwarves of Khazagrim and get more provisions as the party were short of food by now. He agreed to try and get some potions to restore their strength too. He left and returned a day later, many potions in hand. The party drank fully and were revitalized by the dwarven brew. They felt well enough to continue to explore the Sinkhole.   There was only one door left to explore and that led to an open cell block with one cell that was still locked, the others all being open and empty. In this cell lay the bones of a dwarven warrior, her half plate rusted to uselessness. They searched her and under her armour found a small silk purse. Inside was a mithril key!   Taking the mithril key back upstairs to the Glitterhame they attempted to use it in the keyhole in the mithril door. Not too surprisingly it fitted and unlocked the door first time. They passed through and found a staircase leading up. This area was obviously carved by dwarves and was of excellent workmanship. The stairs led up to an octagonal room with three statues and two doors leading from it. Traubon checked the doors for traps and discovered that there were traps attached. The group heard the sounds of a hammer on an anvil and called out, thinking perhaps the Durgeddin still worked his forge. The hammering sound stopped.   Attempting to disable the traps proved a rather unpleasant task for the thief as he was struck repeatedly by the great axes carried by the huge dwarven statues in the room. He soon gave up on that idea and instead starting searching for secret doors in the east wall, as that was the direction they had heard the hammering coming from. Sure enough he found a secret door and opened it to reveal a flight of stairs leading up to a stone door. Carefully progressing up the stairs the party triggered some sort of a magical spell whereby the glowering face of a Dwarf that was carved into the door appeared to call out "Alert! Alert! Intruders! Intruders!" in a loud dwarven voice. There was no doubt that whoever was beyond it would have known they were coming...   They opened the door to reveal a massive vaulted chamber, stretching away into the distance and lit with torches every 10' or so. Large pillars supported to the roof and from the shadows of those pillars a deep voice warned them not to come any further. The party, as is their wont, ignored the warning and moved carefully into the chamber. About half way across the hallway they were ambushed by 4 invisible deurgar, grown to almost 7 feet in height. The deurgar attacked with crossbows and then small swords but they were no match for our intrepid heroes.   The group collected together and deliberated on what to do next..
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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