Session 4 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 4

General Summary

Our intrepid adventurers headed out for Castle de Belame the next day. On the way they came across a burnt out shell of a village, a place they had often passed through on their frequent journeys from the castle to Thistledelve. The place was still smoking and the only living thing was the inn's dog who barked in distress as the approached. Tor calmed the animal with soothing words and the dog obediently followed him as if it knew it's life in the village was over. There were too many bodies to bury so the party avoided the village and pushed on.   Hours later they reached the castle. They circled it and headed for the stone circle that resides on a small hill nearby overlooking the castle. This circle of seven tall menhirs has it's history in the distant past. The group approached the circle and spied on the castle from there. They saw many Orc guards and a tall shape moving through the courtyard - the giant who was Goroth's bodyguard! Our heroes found themselves feeling extremely uneasy when in the confines of the stone circle and the dog would not enter it at all. They searched the menhirs for glyphs or markings but could find none. Whilst searching Kai did uncover a wooden trap door that had been covered with cut grass to hide it. It was heavy but seemed recently used. Tor opened the door with help from the others and leaving the dog behind, they decided to descend into the depths beneath the hillside. Down below the seven menhir circle they found a cave, lit by 5 evil looking braziers each set at the point of a 5 pointed star, touching the edge of a perfect circle drawn with blood. There was no one in the cave but two curtains covered obvious exits to other chambers. Suddenly 4 zombies shuffled out of one of the rooms. The power of evil was so strong here that Lady Fortuna could not turn them and they had to be fought with the sword. In one of the chambers they found an evil altar which they half destroyed and in the other they found trappings for evil ceremonies. The continued on through the tunnels that lead beneath Castle de Belame and encountered and destroyed many zombies. They found three routes up into the castle and picked one that didn't lead into the main hall. This lead quietly up to a hidden area on the top floor of the castle where there was another of these altars and a bedroom in which they encountered Goroth himself with a few orcs and an undead servant.   Kai tumbled into the room, surprising the necromancer and pummelled him with his fists. Lady Fortuna sent the undead fleeing and the rest piled into the orcs. Unfortunately Goroth was able to step aside from Kai's pummelling fists and blast him with magical energy. Such was the power of the sorcerer that he nearly killed Kai outright! A couple of lucky swings from wild Orc axes and the monk was down, but not before severely punishing the mage. Lady Fortuna stepped into the gap made by Flek's hail of arrows and felled the necromancer with one might blow of her enchanted blade. The necromancer was down, but not dead - Kai's pummelling having taken him to the edge of unconsciousness and Lady Fortuna having knocked him over it. They stripped him of his possessions, tied and bound him and slipped out of the castle unnoticed.   A few hours later down the road towards Thistledelve the party saw in the distance the shape of a huge giant following them. Was it Goroth's bodyguard come to get revenge? They started to hail him with arrows but the giant was equal to the task with his rocks. So Kai, Fortuna and Tor charged him. Unfortunately he was a powerful foe and nearly killed the entire party, but luck and some incredible archery were on our heroes side. They slew the giant and won the day, but not before the giant had squashed and killed the dog and knocked Fortuna unconscious.   Later that night, nearly home the party came across a patrol of orcs, working for Goroth. They tried to hide but the orcs saw Tor. They started to talk when things started to go wrong. Kai rushed in, felled one Orc and was gone before the others could even react. He expected these tactics to cause the orcs to chase after him - secure in the knowledge that he could escape them, but Tor did the unexpected and laid into the twenty orcs around him. Seconds later it was all over as Flek aided Tor and the two of them tore the orcs apart. The few that ran after Kai never came back. Back at Thistledelve the party handed over Goroth and got Lady Fortuna healed. They were told they were free to do whatever they wanted now and told Prince Jarrad that they would continue to follow the Prophesy on The Map of Titus. Prince Jarrad was unaware the map had been found, and told them he would send word to the king that it had been, seeing as it was the king who ordered the search for it to begin.   The party headed off through the Furrow Hills to find Khazagrim. On the way they were approached one night by the mysterious Myrddin, who warned them that they had been careless telling of the Map and said that they should be wary from now on.   A few uneventful days later they reached the area in which lies a gate to Khazagrim...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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