Session 3 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 3

General Summary

Lady Fortuna and Kai elected to stay outside the barrow whilst Flek, Tor and Traubon entered into its depths the next day. They followed the same route as the others had on their previous visits and eventually came to the room where the animated hands had attacked them. They passed onwards and came to a hall full of two large tables. Sat at these tables were a dozen clay statues of barbarians with no heads, but with real Orc skulls atop the statues. The eyes of these skulls glowed a flickering red. They entered the room and suddenly all the swords in the room, including those wielded by our intrepid heroes, animated and attacked them! Some amazing sword play by Tor destroyed the swords in short order. At one end of the tables sat a granite throne that was empty. The heroes moved it aside and discovered a hidden cache of potions. A tunnel lead out of the back into a circular room. In this circular room was an Orc inscribed stone plug in the floor. Tor lifted it up to reveal a dark sinkhole beneath it with a group of white ghosts flying up it. The Orc face on the plug screamed "Tamiach!" and a low moaning noise could be heard from down in the darkness. Tor dropped the plug back in place before the ghost like creatures could escape.   The group went on to investigate the rest of the upper level of the barrow, finding a few traps but mostly circumnavigating them. Eventually they had searched the whole upper level without discovering the Spear they were looking for, and the returned to the plug room. They made a plan and then Tor pulled open the plug once more. This time nothing happened. The shaft lead 50' down into the darkness and all was quite. Tying a rope to the back of the throne they descended into the shaft and soon found themselves deep in the depths of the tomb.   They made their way forward to a pillared, misty room when an armoured spectral figure strolled out of the darkness. Flek through his enchanted javelin straight through the apparition and it disappeared. An illusion? The continued on the way it had come from and came across a filth room with 3 stone biers. As they were searching this room 3 female looking hags leapt from behind the biers! The group bravely fought off the attack of the Wight's but not before Traubon had been touched by one and felt a great sapping of his life and energy.   There was only one route out of this room and it lead into what was obviously the burial chamber of Tamiach, the half orc barbarian leader. His skeleton was still on it's final resting place, his armour still worn. At his feet lay a gleaming long sword. Traubon skirted the room to try and get a look behind the stone bier on which the body lay. As he did a shadowy figure, evil incarnate, leapt from the darkness. The wraith that was Tamiach's spirit attacked them. Great skill and a small amount of fortune were with our heroes and they destroyed the evil wraith without suffering any ill effects from it's evil incorporeal touch. They went to collect the long sword from his bier but as they touched it his skeleton exploded, hurting everyone in the room.   Moving off down a passage they came to a treasure room. Here, among a few other baubles they found what they believed to be Iriandel's Horn - the silver tipped spear. Flek took it and was somehow instantly aware that this was indeed the spear they were looking for! They had found their goal. They of course stopped to pick up a few other interesting items and then carefully left the tomb. The hauntings of the Knuckles had stopped with the destruction of Tamiach's spirit and the heroes had a quiet and uneventful journey back to Eldaran. there they met Shilana who thanked them for retrieving the spear and touched it to the head of the horse the party had met before. Instantly there was a silver white flash and standing before them was a majestic unicorn! Iriandel spoke to the minds of the heroes and told them that if there was ever anything he could do for them they just needed to ask.   The next day Shilana took them to court and there they requested some help from the wizard, Caladon. He helped determine the function of some of the items they had found. Flek spent a few days with Shilana before it was time to go. They headed on through the trees and out the other side into Albion once more, headed for Khazagrim to continue the quest to discover the meaning behind The Map of Titus. Two days later they reached Thistledelve.   Even as they approached they could see something was wrong. The gates were barred which they had never been before. And on the gates they could see a couple of plate mail clad people - Knights of the Sun. The gates were opened with the approach of Lady Fortuna and her friends and standing in the gatehouse to greet them was none other than Sir Caelon. He escorted them straight to the palace, where Prince Jarrad's throne room had become a war room. Tables were scattered with maps and papers and all manner of people were there: Sir Alfred, lady Roseate and Prince Jarrad, and others who were unknown to the party. Sir Alfred quickly explained that Mount Macarack Abbey had fallen to a new army of orcs and that they now controlled the Furrow Hills too. Castle de Belame had fallen and Goroth, the Chosen One, had made his base there.   Meanwhile the party learnt that Eastward was heavily pressed by the Easterners with their biggest offensive yet. The King should have sent aid by now but for some reason none had arrived as yet. Prince Jarrad asked the party if they would be prepared to go to Castle de Belame and single handedly take it back for the Kingdom, routing, killing or preferably capturing Goroth in the process. They of course agreed...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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