Iarin Tarrakos
Venerable Iarin Tarrakos
Iarin Tarrakos also known as "Venerable Tarrakos" is a tussari centhiri healer and cleric of Aaratass who leads the Cult of the White Serpent in Qesrir in the southeast of the Pāll-tanír.
Known for his kind and obliging attitude, Iarin is a prominent voice in the community and is often consulted when there are important decisions to be made regarding Qesrir despite not having a seat on the town council. Thanks to his influence and his tireless efforts to smooth over the tensions between his kin and the other races, he has been able to make a place for tussari centhiri in Qesrir.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Iarin arrived in the city of Qesrir in 341.30 NL. Although the tussari centhiri had already been granted official status as Dominion citizens at the time, the early days of Iarin's stay in Qesrir were not devoid of difficulties.
Due to regular attacks from the beasts of the Shār, healers were in high demand in Qesrir. Iarin's arrival as a healer from outside the established system proved a threat to the entrenched interests of Qesrir's different healers' guilds. As healthcare was free for all citizens by the Dominion's mandate, funding for the healers' guilds was derived from the quantity of patients they treated and the quality of the care they provided. When Iarin demonstrated his tremendous aptitude for healing, the healers' guids were afraid that their funding would be slashed as a result.
Though racial discrimination played a part in their early difficulties, the biggest obstacle that stood in the way of Iarin and his followers was the near-constant bullying from the healers' guild. To this end, the healers' guilds used their influence and political capital to enact laws meant to punish Iarin and his followers. Within months of Iarin's arrival in Qesrir, legislation was passed that required all healers and producers of medicine to do their trade through one of the local healers' guilds, with hefty fines attached for non-compliance.
For some time, Iarin and his followers had to keep a low profile in Qesrir while trying to find a way out of their predicament. Ultimately, with the help of a local Dominion advocate and goodwill from the community, Iarin was able to have the malicious legislation overthrown. In the aftermath, he and his followers continued to do good. As Iarin's influence grew, word began to spread that Qesrir was a haven where tussari could live, largely free of discrimination.
Current Location
Date of Birth NL
Sharp, amber-colored eyes
A cobra hood with two large "eyes" outlined in charcoal, with light blue "sclera" and amber "pupils", one on each side, each with a smaller eye lacking the amber "pupil" below and a crest of white, blue, and amber feathers in descending order of size.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, icy-white scales with subtle diamond patterning on his back made of various hues of light blue with amber cores.
6'10" (208.3cm)
210 lbs (95.5kg)
Ruled Locations