Othar Character in Renedge | World Anvil


Lord Othar Spinebreaker

A black dragon who, through a series of unfortunate events, has had his true form replaced with a set of strange dragon variants, including one designed for the application of soulfire. Othar's deep connection with soulfire is slowly killing him, but none of the various powerful figure's he's met while adventuring have been able to provide him a cure. Not one with a price he's willing to pay, at least.   Despite his selfish inclinations, Othar has proven capable of working with a wide variety of other adventurers. He's evil, yes, but it's an affable sort of evil.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Outside trueform, Othar looks like an oddly average-looking human with glowing eyes. Thin, but heavier than he should be.

Apparel & Accessories

Regular black tunic with some gold stitching, cloak that’s always billowing. Three impressive-looking longswords.

Wealth & Financial state

Othar owns a region in Thesk. Humans aren’t particularly welcome there, but monsters are much more easily accepted.

Usually appearing as and oddly average human with glowing eyes, Othar is really a mutant black dragon. He wears a black tunic and cloak, and bears several impressive longswords. He's evil, but an affable sort of evil.

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