2021/03/07?: Clearing the Black Tower Part 5 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2021/03/07?: Clearing the Black Tower Part 5 Report

General Summary

Garrek, Nyx, Sasha, Buzz, Shane, Othar, Azhar, Derelic   The party moved down to the next floor of the Black Tower of Thesk, which was full of spell-eating undead and had a titan chained to the wall that would kill everyone if we woke it up. The titan absorbed magic released in the room, which would gradually wake it up. The undead were continually reanimating. Derelic betrayed the party and promptly got disintegrated for his trouble. Eventually the remaining adventurers won through attrition and hunkered down on the way to the next room to sleep and regain spells.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
07 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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