Cloudtop Sea

A Sea In The Sky

Here lies a sea that has taken to the skies on the wings of Primal Air. Above the Realm of Seas blankets of cloud condense into interconnected islands of Primal Air and Water. The region is home to the second greatest population on Marus and the largest physical territory by far. It is the ancestral home of the Balao and the coveted prize of the Aviator's Society aboard their hovering Wingships and flying Dirigibles.
— Study of the Relic Seas by Salem Diadios
These aerial fog banks are home to generations of Balao and a civilization anchored in the clouds. It is where Marus' first Sophonts constructed one of its greatest cities, Do Céulani, a holy site which still serves as the center of skybound life. This bustling tradehub is one of several settlements like it on the enormous expanse of Colmeia Island, serving as gathering places and nuetral ground for all Balao. The region and its islands existed long before Caydon Rel but their inaccessible nature has given them a reputation shrouded in myth and legend. Until the Aviator's Society was founded, only a handful of seabound life had ever managed to make it to the clouds above. Now there is an active race to find anything and everything of value in the Cloudtop Sea; both natural works and Balao artifacts are poached with little care for the consequences or who may be hurt in the process.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cloud Sea, The Gilded Clouds
Location under
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

Islands of Note

  • ???
  • Colmeia Island
  • ???

Settlements of Note

  • Do Céulani
  • Parasaquedo
  • ???

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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Jun 24, 2023 10:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I bet the Cloudtop Sea is quite cool and refreshing to be around. Sucks that people are pilfering things of value though. :(

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