Rina Trueheart Character in Rai | World Anvil
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Rina Trueheart

High Priestess Rina Trueheart

Rina Trueheart is the 2nd daughter of Lady Isa and Teryn Trueheart. She has two sisters one older: Eriya and one younger: Arika. Rina is the currant High Priestess of the Order and the youngest one to ever hold the title in sollrai history.  

Appearance and Character

Rina is of average height with a slim build. Unlike her mother and sisters, Rina has sleek light blonde hair and her fathers pale green eyes. She rarely smiles outside of her home and is often described to either have a serious face or a more solemn, expressionless face that could have been cut from stone.   In public Rina usually wears extravagant robes befit of being the High Priestess. In battle she has a ornate silver and white armor with the Trueheart crest. Otherwise she often wears a simple white dress.   Rina and Eriya are night and day in difference. Where Eriya was the loud and unruly kid, Rina was the more quiet and reserved one. Rina would remain more quiet and reserved till adulthood but when the situation demands it she can lead people with great competence and little hesitation. Though not a good fighter, she is intelligent and good at assessing the situation and quick to come up with solutions.


Early Life

Rina Trueheart was born in the winter of 10 220. Rina was a shy kid around anyone other than her family. Like her older sister Rina was born very blessed with a high potential.   During her time in the Order Rina excelled in her studies and priestly training, much like her older sister if not more. She however lacked Eriyas physical prowess and interest, instead preferring the academics and her priestly training. After her base years in the Order were done she would continue her priestly training in the Order and become a priestess. Rina had a natural affinity to the light and would surpassed most others in her class and quickly earn her priesthood.  

The Chosen War & Ascension to High Priestess

Rina, now a Priestess, participated in the first battles of the Chosen War, were she saved the lives of many wounded soldiers. Before the 1st Siege of Night's End Rina was promoted and given control over a group of combat priests. The battle outside Night's End was a bloody one and Rina saved many lives and showed a talent for leading people. Towards the end of the battle the leader of the host High Priestess Erenia Braveheart was killed by a arrow.   Shortly after the return to Sollg'anor it was announced that Rina Trueheart had be chosen as Braveheart's successor. Many were surprised with the choice of such a young girl, some even criticized the decision. It was however well known within the upper members of the Order that Erenia had planned on making Rina her successor. Despite Rina being very young and overall inexperienced, Erenia had taken notice of her from the two first battles of the Chosen War. And Rina being from the Trueheart family, namely the granddaughter of the former High Commander Irenik Trueheart, Erenia had hopes of Rina becoming both a spiritual and military leader like herself. So a few weeks later Rina Trueheart succeeded Erenia Braveheart as High Priestess of the Order at the age of 213 years old, the youngest one to hold the titel in sollrai history.   The previous High Priestess had made up plans for creating a special retinue for the Light's Chosen Jain Brightarc but died before it was realized. It was now in the hands of Rina to fulfill this and with the help of Patriarch Eryk Dawn together they created Jain's Guard. They would serve as elite bodyguards with the added Honor Guard who would be made up of trusted companions and friends to Jain.  

Currant Events

Rina did not participate it the 2nd Siege of Night's End or the following invasion of Nhal and remained in Sollg'anor being hold up by her duties of being High Priestess.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Priestess of the Order
Year of Birth
10220 AR 241 Years old
Pale green
Long, sleek, light blonde
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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