Finidar Research Station Building / Landmark in Polarium | World Anvil
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Finidar Research Station

The Finidar Research Station is the only large presence of Finidar forces within Polarium, and serves as an intelligence archiving compound. Well-defended with military assets stolen from Terracom and hundreds of troops, this hidden base functions on all levels of Finidar's needs while storing the digital data of all militarized factions operating in Polarium on a server with strong encryption and security lockdown measures.

Purpose / Function

Warehousing, equipment maintenance, barracks/training, information sorting.


The building is built with a mixture of metal alloys and concrete, reinforcing the structure against small explosions and especially against magic using an embewed layer of synthesis using the Polarium veil. The location of the building is elevated close to the edge of a tall cliff of a weathered down mountain, making distant entry by ground next to impossible. The base itself is surrounded by sentries and open space, eliminating the options of enemy stealth entries to the facility, while there are only two entrances to further enforce security. The substations to the facility are located in different nearby areas to avoid crowding.


Machine-gun turrets mounted onto the rooftops of the data center, numerous patrols of foot soldiers, M38 transport jeeps, apache helicopters patrolling the airspace, and encryption measures to protect the data.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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