The Qhélssénns Ethnicity in pèryl | World Anvil
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The Qhélssénns (qʰĕls:ĕn:)

The precursors of the Qh’énns.

  The Qhélssénnish originated in Tcha and are distant cousins of the Kiels and Tchaikrénians, all having come from a precursor group called the *Gziel. Whereas the Kielik people remained in Tcha, the Tchaikrénians settled in the plains and foothills of daoSvor, and the Qhélssénnish settled in the northern coastal regions of the land that would eventually have their name. Northern Qh'énnshaiyn (Qhélssénnshaiyn originally) was similar in climate, flora, fauna, and landforms as their homeland across the sea.   Proto-Kharnnes and -Sarns were also *Gziel-descendant and settled in the same regions as the Qhélssénnish. Sarnish aptitude for fisheries lead them to colonize islands and live in littoral regions. The Kharnnes settled in highlands and mountains that would later bear their name. The Qhélssénnish were much more successful than their cousins and spread throughout the various climes and environs of Northern Gruthe. By the time of the collapse of the Dwarven States, the Qhélssénnish were dominant throughout the north and established numerous, prosperous Qhélssénnish kingdoms. Simultaneously, to the south the Tlatotlys dominated the south, and the Ptarshishin the east. Hence the Three Kingdoms Period developed when Qhélssénnish kingdoms were unified under the first Karreth, and Ptarshakk in the east and a largely unified Yssian kingdom to the south.   However, Qhélssénnish clans fell into internecine conflicts and the unified Qhélssénnish kingdom fell into fractious petty kingdoms. Thus began the Period of Clans in Qhélssénnish held territory. Resurgence of the Illaohhéin in the north-central Llaohh region, and conflicts with Ptarshakk in the east drove the Qhélssénnish northward and vulnerable.   By the time Qhélssénn clans had regrouped and reached southerly again to the Great Plains, Northern Yssian trading posts had already been established and early Qhélssénn-Yssian conflicts began. By this era, the earliest Qhélssénnish literature was written down by Schqhènnite monks. As a term, Qhélssénnish can be the demonym of the people as well as the name of the language which became Old Qh’énnish. The word Qh’énn—and its derivations—is a grammatic truncation of the older name because of conventions in the language. By the establishment of the Callenriter, Qh'énn had become standard.
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Cover image: Gh'en and Dran by 包德强


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