The Callessai Ethnicity in pèryl | World Anvil
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The Callessai (kælɛsɑɪ)

The United Peoples:

  Although often conflated with Northern Yssians, the Callessai are the hybrid people of Cāllen’ter. The Callessai are a northern people whose ethnogenesis began north of the Har Mountains in the lowlands of the Great Qh'énnish Plains. They have a shared history and culture, deriving from specific mixed Northern Gruther and Yssian ancestry, which became distinct from the parent ethnicities. Composed primarily of Northern Yssian and Qh'énns, but also significant populations of Mỳdrians, Kharnnes, Daoshi/Tchaikrānians. There are other tribes in the largest of cities, including but not limited to Mbaré, Jèredethi, Hœmmé, Kielik, and dwarves of the Rheddait and Illaohh tribes. Callessai citizenry was obtainable to non-Yssian and non-Qh’énn, but this was rare. Northern Yssians and Qh’énns who did not align with the Callessai ethos, remained distinct ethno-factions within the empire.   The success of the Callessai and their empire and its titualr city, Cāllen'ter, lead to the wide adoption of their calendar and the prominence of Raachern as the language of the continent.   The Callessai were based around the southern Qh'énnshaiyn city-state of Cāllen'ter, until the end of the Second Qh'énnish Rebellion in 109 QA. In the latter days of the empire, all but the most stalwart loyalists and the court of Karreth D'Beognong XIV remained. By the end of the year, all the remaining Callessai in the city were dead, ending the lineage, the empire, and the presence of Northern Yssians in Qh'énnshaiyn.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Cover image: by BJRP


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