il-Orah Species in pèryl | World Anvil
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il-Orah (ilorah)

The primal race which became the dwarves of PÈRYL. The Rheddaitéin, Illaohhéin, Òrennéii, and Svor are all their descendants.   Although a fully extant gnome caste did not exist among the il-Orah, the beginnings of this distinction were present.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The original il-Orah habitation was underground in the vast caverns on the island of Sarn in the Qh'ill Strait.   Centuries later, the il-Orah had dispersed throughout the Gruthen continent and primarily settled on the Dhaoshee plain and the highlands in what would become Solvyod.
Scientific Name
Daktloi moien
Average Height
Average Weight
220 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by BJRP


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