Academy Ummu Organization in pèryl | World Anvil
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Academy Ummu

Located in north-central Dhaoshee, on the great plain south of the Har ranges and to the east of the foothills and the Dragonspine/Solvyod ranges, was the minor fief of Ptrened Ummu. As was the style at the time, the fief was usually referred to as Ummu, the clan name of its enfeoffed master.   Ummu, the name of the Ptarshishin house and the fief, was rendered Ongōv /oŋoːv/ in Daoshi.   Ptrened Ummu was a very long-lived man: most of the serfs of Ummu had no living memory of his predecessor. None of the neighbouring enfeoffed lords had ruled their lands as long as Ummu (Ongōv to the ethnic Daoshi.). It was believed that he was preceded by his father, but no one alive could recall if this were true.   The serfs of Ummu had taken to referring to their lord's father as Ptaa Ummu—known as Dhaongōv /dʰɑoŋoːv/ to the Daoshi—but most were fairly certain that was just something that someone had dreamt up and had stuck.   In the centre of the fief, near a small lake the source of water for the serfs—there were no rivers or any other surface water—was a small walled off orchard and an ancient stone tower in disrepair. The gates to orchard and the tower had wrought-iron spikes to dissuade, though there never really was anyone to dissuade. Above the main gate was a sand-blasted and rainy season warped banner in a language none of the serfs could read. They were ethnic Daoshi, and among those that were literate—at most four—they read the Klini dialect of Daoshi, the sign was in Ummu's mother tongue: Ptarshakkian. It read: Academy Ummu, est. 35 PA.   Academy Ummu only ever had a handful of students. Its last two were later citizens of note in their respective homelands: Drennón Tzolagar of Ys and Qh'en dāQa of Qhan. The academy is abandoned now. Its serfs without a landlord and merely toiling for themselves until the inevitable new enfeofment occurred and they are vassals once more, because Tzolagar and Qh'en murdered Ptrened Ummu.


Ptrened Ummu, like his father before him, was the instructor of the academy and the ruler of its fief.   Like most wizarding lords of Dhaoshee, he collected tributes from the bound serfs of the fief, but largely ignored them and they him. On occasions when governance, law-enforcement, punishment, were warranted, Ummu would stand as arbiter, judge, and occasionally executioner.   In the academy proper, the students were answerable only to him. Potential students from other realms, could petitioner Lord Ummu, but this had not happened for many decades before the arrival of Tzolagar and Qh'en.


After the murder of Ptrened Ummu—circa 68 QA—Tzolagar and Qh'en divided up the relics that the wizard and his predecessors had accumulated and any coinage they could find. The tower that had served as a training house for aspiring users of magic, was then abandoned and lay unoccupied for decades afterwards. It was not until well into the Second Qh'énnish Rebellion (104 QA)—lead by Qh'en himself—that the the Oligarchs of Slōenn noted the fief was unoccupied and began the process of installing a new lord almost forty years after the death of Ummu.


Rise and Embrace the Fire

Wajukj'Ummu /wɑʤukʤumːu/ is the name in Ptarshakk combined of three Ptarshishin glyphs WAJ, UKJ, and UMMmagic + tower + (House) Ummu and can be translated as the "(Magic) Academy (of House) Ummu."
  In Daoshi, Ummu was transliterated as Ongōv. The academy name was then Ongōv + √ovsk ("home" or "shelter") → Ongōvsk /oŋoːvsk/.
  In Qh'énnish it is rendered Ummuhaut /umːuhɑʊt/—Ummu's chapterhouse.

Circa 35 PA - Circa 68 QA

Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Ummuhaut, Wajukj'Ummu, Ongōvsk
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Official Languages
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Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Red Bricks of Academy Ummu by 包德強
Character flag image: Wajukj'Ummu • "Academy Ummu." by 包德強


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