Borowas Species in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Borowas (Bo-rou-was)

Five legged spider creature

Borowas are burrowing spider-like creatures with five legs.

Basic Information


Five Needle Legs

Borowas are a mess of sharp motion. Their long legs, curved and sharp at the ends, never stop moving.
Constantly twitching, tapping and tottering from one place to the next in either anticipation or agitation.
These are the sole means by which borowas are able to pick at the blank, white void of their chosen home. Pulling at the red strings of fate, strand by strand.

Biological Traits


Being described in the shape of a human hand, borowas are incredibly mobile and have exhibited great flexibility in their finger-like limbs and impressive durability for its body as a whole.

Ecology and Habitats

Between Spaces

Borowas seem to originate from some alternative space or reality, more otherly than even Manidweepa itself. This is shown in their unique ability to spin in it wondrous creations that impress and horrors to distraught. They model their constructs (and personal lairs) on what their chosen victims consider interesting.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Through uncertain criteria, a borowa on the hunt will mark their prey for death and ignore any unintruding potential prey. Even if other, easier, options come along. Borowas can hunt across dimensional barriers to feed on the memories of any sapient being that can possibly exist. From the perspective of anyone else around the victims, they may display agitated behaviour before disappearing completely from their home plane.
... using those sewing needle limbs, they can thread a web through and around the world of their chosen victim.   Any creature ensnared is doomed to die, and then, to slowly forget. It is said that ones identity is the first to go amongst the victim's memories while being drained into husks. A process that can take place over hundreds of years.
  But is not enough to be caught and tied in their web of deceit. An amount of willingness or submission is required on the part of the prey. So borowas have become reality warping liars; spinning illusions and false promises.

Biological Cycle

Shifting Tones

Without any obvious common trigger, the outer exterior of all spiders in the Moirai go through a transformation of a steel hard grey to paper crumple white; and back again.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Borowas are almost exclusively found in the Moirai burrows under the Mandelbrotian Mountains of Taw.

Average Intelligence

It is shown that most borowas are not capable of displaying higher intelligence, yet can mimic the personalize desires of their prey to strategic effect.
These imitations can be noticed by a successful DC 17 WIS save.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dream Burrowing

It is not clear on what biochemical or biophysical or biometaphysical properties are being utilized by borowas. The tips of their legs are able to drag against the white void of the Moirai and pull the red threads with which they weave soft marionettes in shapes familiar to their target. As they do this, borowas thin the veil between dimensions that craft interspatial burrows, trapdoors that appear out of nowhere and hunting paths imperceptible outside of Moirai.  
Borowas have the ability to create false worlds and false creatures.
They seem to take a certain amount of artistic pride in their creations.
As some appear marked with reoccurring imperfections as if they were signatures.
  However, they do not last indefinitely. Given time, illusions fade. The things and place spun into existence loosen into a white, sticky webbing that cling and clump together. In this decay, they can look like runny clay or pulled taffy before transitioning to something hairless and jellyish.
If the borowa intends to reuse this matter, it would spin a swollen sac containing the cold and slimey remnants intertwined inside. Unformed and unfinished like warm plasticine.

Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dull Metallic Grey or Paper White
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials
Quark Basis
Base Element
Species | Mar 3, 2024


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Aug 7, 2022 08:20 by Grace Gittel Lewis

A rad idea! How might one avoid, or combat, a borowas— once targeted?

Aug 7, 2022 16:47

A borowa's creations act as a spider's web. Once you step on the floor, or touch anything in the borowa's lair, it becomes aware of you.   While they possess this unique ability, they are not themselves very difficult to kill directly. A simple tactic is to destroy the surrounding constructs is enough to send many close by borowas into a panic. The downside is that those same constructs provide a perch for people to navigate and move about in the white void that is Moirai.

Aug 17, 2022 09:14

Those spiders are creepy... and I like creepy stuff!
Hunting through realitys is quite the feed!

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