Mia's Library Research Document in Pascelus | World Anvil

Mia's Library Research

Topics Mia has addressed

Sunhaven/Ironheart & Maps referring to them

Location names the Llyrians shipped things

Estimarth and Leng

OSC and ties to Sunhaven

How to fight or otherwise deal with lycanthropes

Any known locations for planar keystones, specifically Threkt

Topics as yet unaddressed

  1. Maps for before and after the Calamity, particularly for Stonebridge
  2. Locations for Llyrian Facility or similar places
  3. Holy and/or lost relics of Pelor
  4. The Fateful Eight
  5. Contract magic - details about
  6. Strategy and tactics for dealing with the fae (Known pitfalls and tricks used)
  7. Mentions of Ioun
  8. Any available data about Hearthstone - what knowledge is public
Record, Research Notes

This article has no secrets.


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