Charm Craft Technology / Science in Pangorio | World Anvil

Charm Craft


It is not known who it was who made the first charms, but it is accepted that it all began with humans as magic came to be known during the Dark Times, when a mysterious power nearly destroyed them all.   No one, not even the dragons, can remember what this power was. It is believed that the human wizards, desperate to save their own kind, made the discoverer that spells could be stored in gemstones and used it to save humankind.   Since then, they have shared this knowledge with Gnomes, Gheni, and Chirkin. Over the millenia, new discoveries were made, the most significant being that even when ground up, the gemstones can still hold spells. By mixing it into other materials, charm crafters can now make trinkets, magical clothing, and other interesting items.  


Not every gemstone can hold spells and not every type can hold the same potency of spell. The more magic a gemstone can hold, the more precious it became. Like all things, the less potent the the magic in a gemstone, the less it was valued making them more affordable for everyday folks.
<><>GEMSTONES: Weak To Strong<><>
These hold the weakest amount of magic and are available everywhere as apprentices are taught charm craft using agates. Every wizard, whether thay have decided to be in the business of charm crafting or not, will earn themselves a bit of coin makings these. They come in a variety of patterns such as banded, eye, or moss. Value: 10 Coppers
A bit stronger than agates, quartz charms are about as common as agates as any wizard will craft them on occasion. They come in a variety of colors from blue, to white, to yellow. Value: 50 Coppers
These are sold in shops in towns big enough to have a an inn. They come in red, brown-green, and violet. Value: 100 Silvers
These are mostly found in magic shops on islands or mainland sea ports. Sea Stones are made from corals, pearls, and black pearls. Value: 500 Silvers
These charms are found in cities where well-established shops have richer customers who can afford them as opals are a precious gemstone even without magic. These mottled gems come in black, fiery red, and blue. Value: 1,000 Golds
Only the strongest wizards can make these as well as afford the purchase of these very precious gems. Such wizards often serve as a Court Mage and getting one of their powerful charms often entails doing them risky favors or going on daring quests. These gems come in blue, star, and a most rare black. Value: 5,000 Golds


First step is deciding what spell to use and what amount of power will be given by the wizard. Whether it is a spell the wizard knows or one they must purchase a scroll for, the power level is still drawn from the wizard to imbue the charm or trinket. How many imbue's a wizard can do is based entirely on their wizard levels which gives them 1 Imbue per level per day.
<><>IMBUE COST Per Gem Type<><>
AGATE: 1 Imbue
QUARTZ 2 Imbues
GARNET 3 Imbues
SEA STONE 4 Imbues
OPAL 5 Imbues
  After deciding on the spell and appropriate gem type, the charm crafter must decide if they will be making a traditional charm or a trinket. This will determine if a gem, powdered gem, or other materials must be acquired.   Once everything needed is gathered, the wizard then imbues the spell in the charm or item, a process that takes one hour. If interrupted, they fail and the wizard is still drained of the imbues.
  The Truth
When Boki, the goddess of secrets, gave magic to the mortals struggling to survive the terrible Hrokentorm Empire five thousand years ago, she did not do so evenly. To the Bardigan Elves she gave storm sorcery. To the Vaulker Dwarves she gave rune magic, and to the Miribex Humans she gave wizardry. With the Hrokentorm ruling all the world, the only hope of survival these folks had was their new found magics.
Species | May 6, 2022
  Unknown to most, The Brethren have taken to making charms using ritual magics, a style of magic thought lost or destroyed by the mysterious power during the Dark Times. Now they run a shop selling typical wizarding charms made from scrolls as a cover to their other "old magic" charms making business.  
Oddes Shoppe
Building / Landmark | Mar 11, 2022

Cover image: by starbright


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Dec 28, 2023 16:38 by Keon Croucher

Magick and Gems, as a basis for how I came up with Arcane Magick for Valerick, I love it. Your spin on this is awesome, and the reference to the sheer archaic lack of understanding that even dragons do not remember (or perhaps choose to forget) what dark power nearly wiped out everything but caused magick to be born.   And having a power scaling is interesting, its a cool comparison. I've seen this done now with power scaling, I did elemental tie ins, I've seen the concept utilizing a scientific conceptualization correlating actual mineral hardness to the level of potency it can hold.   I love seeing parts and pieces of other settings magick systems and seeing the similarities and the different branches different settings utilize. It creates a cool image in the mind, this massive multi-versal complex web of magick and how it combusts, reacts, alters and infuses with different realities, different realms and planes and worlds.   The Imbuement rule is quite an interesting one as well, as I would assume such a service would be costly, given its a limited resource for a wizard. So they would likely charge a certain premium for both the skill and that limited resource. Supply and demand naturally, since if only wizards can do it, they more or less control the price. However I love the conceptualization of it, the idea that what it is a proper and true power and energy transference, one with consequences to the wizard, portraying actual labor and effort and not just a simple free thing they can do. Over all, A fun read, and a good taste to want to read more about Pangorio's magick and how it all works, the laws, theories and understood....'science' if one will behind it :)

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Dec 28, 2023 17:07 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx! Yea, I think creating boundaries and limits for things is important

Come vist my worlds
Dec 28, 2023 23:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that different gems can hold different levels of power. That's a lovely detail.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 29, 2023 01:29 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds