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The Erdepel is one of the largest species in the deer family. Commonly reffered to as the king of deer. The word Erdepel is derived from the old word meaning "green tail." They range in forests and the bordering areas, feeding on grasses, plants, leaves, and tree bark. Some cultures revere the Erdepel as having spiritual significance, while others hunt them as game or sport. Their meat is leaner and higher in protein then beef, pork, or chicken.   This species of deer is also a lesser beast, born with their first vita point empowered and their second open. They are larger and tougher than any other variety of deer, with a sense of smell on par with most predators. Their vocalizations, mostly used to fend off rivals in the mating season, can stun the mind.

Basic Information


Males have large antlers that shed each year. Erdepel are thick bodied with six slender legs and two short stubby tails. They have a shoulder height of 5 ft. with a nose-to-tail length of 5 ft. to 9 ft. Males are larger and weigh up to 1,000 lbs. while females weigh half as much. Their antlers are made of bone that can grow about an inch a day. While actively growing, a soft layer of skin, called velvet, covers and protects them. This is shed when the antlers fully develop in the summer. Bull Erdepel normally have three antlers with around six tines each. The antlers shed in late winter or early spring.

Biological Cycle

During the fall, Erdepel grow a thicker coat of hair to help insulate them during the winter. Both male and female Erdepel grow thin neck manes. By early summer, their winter coat has shed. They are known to rub their bodies against trees and large rocks to help remove hair. All Erdepel have small and clearly defined rump patches with a short tail. They have different coloration based on the seasons and types of habitats, with grayish blue color common in the winter and a darker reddish coat in the summer.   During the summer group size can reach 400 individuals. For most of the year, adult bulls and cows are separated into different herds. Female herds are larger while bulls form small groups and are known to travel alone. Male and female herds come together in mid-summer as mating season begins. Males try to intimidate rivals by vocalizing and displaying their antlers. If neither backs down, they engage in antler wrestling, which can lead to serious injuries. By the autumn of their second year females can produce one to two offspring. Dominant bulls follow groups of cows during the rut from late summer into early winter. A bull will defend his harem, of 20 cows or more, from competing bulls and predators alike. Erdepel migrate up mountains in the spring, following the retreating snows, and back down in the fall.


Erdepel have a tendency to do most of their feeding in the mornings and evenings, seeking shelter in between feedings to digest. Their diets vary depending on the season, with native grasses being a year-round staple, tree bark in winter, and herbs and tree sprouts during the summer. Erdepel consume about 20 lbs. of vegetation a day.    Bears are the greatest threat to calves while healthy bulls are not known to be killed by bears, such encounters can be fatal for the bear. Large bull Erdepel are less vulnerable and can afford to wander alone, while cows stay in their larger herds for their own protection and for their calves. Bulls are more vulnerable to wolves in late winter, after long months of chasing females and fighting have left them weak. Males that have recently lost their antlers are also more likely to be preyed upon.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Making their home in the mountain ranges that surround Renscroprec, they can be found in the forests at their base anywhere from Studpreox to Oxdinspic, and as far north as Bragdusla.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5 ft. at the shoulder
Average Weight
500 to 1,000 lbs.
Average Length
5ft. to 9 ft.
Geographic Distribution


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