Proserpina Underhand Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Proserpina Underhand

Mirza Proserpina Underhand

A minor noble of the House of Underhand, Mirza Proserpina Underhand was Vizier Haruspex Underhand's niece. She was the daughter of Katiba Glaive Underhand, and the older sister of Mirze Corvus Underhand.   She was killed on the Eclipseday between Soldiermoon and Sailormoon, 1313 by a Scorching Ray from Viceduke Fentibar the Bonded.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Doppelgänger, Proserpina could change her appearance to perfectly assume the appearance of specific individuals. She could mimic the shape of any small- or medium-sized creature and gains some of their senses including scent and darkvision. Additionally, she could cast Detect Thoughts at will.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Goldday, Tinkermoon, 1313
The entire House of Underhand attended the Whisper Vote of Vizier Absalom and Viziera Damasque Laureat, and Vizier Kronk Greenskin, all in their creepy birdfaced masks.  
Eclipseday between Soldiermoon and Sailormoon, 1313
Proserpina was sent to investigate the summons from House Underhand's spider alchemist creatures after they discovered while Hugo Dargent (disguised as Victor Dargent-Laureat) attempted to escape the Underhand Estate. Her mask allowed her to see "Victor" even though he was invisible, and the subsequent fight got so dire that Basil opened the Efreeti Bottle, releasing Viceduke Fentibar the Bonded for the first time. Proserpina was almost immediately Scorching Rayed to death by the Viceduke, who subseqently went on to kill most of the witnesses and burn them all to ashes, so they could not rise as ghouls.   The Viceduke then impersonated Proserpina, activating the Crow Traps in the Entrance Hall of the Underhand Estate and temporarily frightening Nycteme and Corvus Underhand into thinking the Thing In the Downstairs Room might have found them.


Religious Views

Although Doppelgängers are Things That Go Bump In The Night, and are therefore traditionally creatures of the Thing In the Downstairs Room, House Underhand are a family of Doppgängers who were stolen from the Thing by the Thief. It is unclear whether Proserpina was willingly a Thievian, or for that matter, whether any of her family are.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Mirza of House Underhand
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
24 years old
Date of Birth
Goldday, Thiefmoon, 1288
Date of Death
Eclipseday, Soldier/Sailormoon, 1313
1288 1313 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Scorching Rayed by Viceduke Fentibar the Bonded
Place of Death
Dark braid
Follower of the Thief
Known Languages

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.