Knowing Their Path Prose in P'Ache | World Anvil

Knowing Their Path

Callineff tore down the hill faster than their feet were able to keep up with. Today was the day! It was finally here!   They stumbled slightly over a tree root throwing out an arm to catch themself before righting themself and continuing their trajectory. Nothing was going to stop them today. Nothing would get in their way. They would turn up muddy and bruised if that’s what it took.   Not that they wanted to make that kind of impression. They rather thought it might not go well for them today if that was what they looked like when they made the single biggest decision of their life.   No, decision was the wrong word. That made it sound like they had a choice in this, but they had always known what would happen today. They had felt the truth of it in their bones from such an early age it had always felt like fact.   They would be a Storyteller.   They'd considered all of the other pathways. Well, sort of. Or not really. But it was all the same. Being a Storyteller was all they'd ever wanted to be. They wanted to learn stories and share them with others.   Calli turned into the path to the Bearer's House, barely slowing on the corner, and certainly not allowing the front door or the people in the corridors of the only home they'd known their whole life.   "You are going to be late, Callineff."   "No, I won't, Faydran Raiser," Calli called back as they ran past. This would be the last time they'd call this building home, and they couldn't wait to move out. The House had been good to them, but they were so ready for more. More than spending time with children and the people who raised them. More than being looked at as a burden than a benefit to the community. They were more than ready to be grown, and they couldn't wait to start telling stories.   Yes, they understood that they would have to work their way up. That they wouldn't be telling stories on the first day. They understood all of that. But they also knew something no-one else did; how good they were at telling stories. They had no doubt in their mind that they would be a great Storyteller, the best, and that they would excel through Storylearner and Storylistener faster than anyone could imagine.   Changing into the plain white outfit took almost no time, and before they'd had time to catch their breath they found themselves stood at the end of the longest street in the village.   Finally, it was their moment.   They thought back to all the times they'd watched others in this position. All of those Path Choosing Ceremonies where they'd stood with the other people lining the street, watching on with envy as others had gotten to start their life.   Now it was their turn.   As Calli walked steadily down the road, they could see the Raisers, Bringers and Bearers from the Bearer's House where they had grown up, surrounded by the other children. They could see the others they had watched choose their paths, who were now Wranglers and Grifters and Providers and even Rulers. And then there were the Storytellers.   Calli moved their eyes off the crowd that lined the road and focused on the goal. At the end of the road, there, standing in a red cloak with yellow trimming, surrounded by the heads of the profession paths, was the person who would decide their fate, Ikanta Storykeeper.   Ikanta smiled as they approached, and for a heartbeat or two, Calli panicked. So much rested on this. But the moment passed and Calli smiled back. They had this. They knew they were going to be the best Storyteller, and they just needed to make sure that Ikanta Storykeeper could see that.   "Ikanta Storykeeper," Calli nodded their head in greeting, before repeating the words of the ceremony. "I choose your path. I have considered my options, but your path is the right one for me because..." The pause was traditional as well, but Calli knew what they wanted to say, and didn't hold it for long. "I love storytelling. Words and stories are the heartbeat of our community, and I want to be a part of keeping that heart beating."   The Storykeeper tilted their head to one side as they listened, and waited until it was clear that Calli was not going to say anything further. This pause lasted far longer than Calli felt they needed to. Their heart rate picked up, and they were certain that their skin got several shades lighter as they began to overheat.   "You are welcome onto this pathway," Ikanta Storykeeper said with a smile, and Calli felt as though they could breathe again. "May each of your steps be considered and certain. May your pathway be surrounded by your community and lead you to where you are needed most. May your journey be long and full of joy. Congratulations."   The Storykeeper's hand was warm around Calli's as they walked towards the waiting crowd. "This is the new Storylearner. They have chosen their pathway well." Ikanta leaned in, and whispered, "Welcome, Callineff Storylearner."   Finally, they were on their way.

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