The Elder Realm Geographic Location in Orr | World Anvil
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The Elder Realm

The Autumn Realm

Foremost among nations, Dalair was the first of civilizations carved after the events of the Cataclysm. With the advent of Rizion and the mysteries of arcana revealed to the mortal races of Orr, the ancient Saturnine Elves of the Elder Realm formed a council of magic-users and arcane practitioners that would be known forever afterward as the Magisterium.   This conclave of wizards and sorcerers toiled for centuries to drive out the monstrous forces and Outsiders that remained after the sealing of the Starwell, creating footholds for civilization to latch to during that dark time at the cost of many lives. The eldest of known cities in the world of Orr, Xathrus, still stands to this day and serves as the Magisterium's summit.   Dalair is a frigid land of scrawling, snow-capped mountains and dense, perennial pine forests. The Starbreaker Lake at its center is not a natural formation, but rather a crater filled in with ocean water from where the heaven-dragon that struck Orr sundered the land and opened the wider continent to the encroaching waves of the Sea of Mithris. Due to the proximity of the Starwell, Dalair's wild frontiers are the habitats of many powerful monsters, and its mountains are the roost of several broods of chromatic dragons.   It is however, not just monsters whom are transfigured or lured to the Elder Realm by the chaotic ebb of the wound between the planes. The magic that still seethes from the Starwell has given rise to an incredibly dense population of natural sorcerers within the lands of Dalair. Arcane power is in fact so prevalent that nearly every city and settlement boasts at least a minor college of sorcery to help even the most fledgling practitioners learn to manipulate and control the power coursing through their veins. Similarly, Dalair is also home to the greatest population of Tieflings in the world of Orr as the magic of the Starwell is more likely to sway the appearance of their kind within the wombs of expectant mothers.   The most prominent cities and locations of Dalair include the illustrious Circle of Nine from whence the greatest mages in the world earn their robes; the prison city of Mordred where the Magisterium have sealed away abhorrent entities such as demons, liches, and dragons; and of course the eight Arcum Spelltowers of Rizion which contain the awesome and dreadful power of the Starwell and prevent the world from enduring another age of Cataclysm.   The Elder Realm is renowned for its arcanists and sorcerers and thus ways of life within it are drastically improved by the research and ingenuities of magic. The cities of Dalair each possess many circles of teleportation, making it possible to travel between them effortlessly if one possesses the gold necessary to procure passage. Flying fortresses, castles, estates and private sanctums accessible by Tenser bridges are a common occurrence. Scrying Screens allow the Magisterium to communicate across vast expanses or surveil cities with little effort. A labor force of conjured elementals till, sow and reap the soil. Nearly every need and facet of life is in some way, shape or form accented by the majesty of arcana.
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