Azamya Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


Grandmaster Asha Srâro (a.k.a. Azamya)

Azamya was the second Spear of the Ordo Templaris during the fifth Crusade. Originally known as Asha, she was created from Sith DNA originating from the Great Hyperspace War. After escaping her family's mansion, she joined the Atrox Ascensus, deepening both her connection and understanding of the dark side of the force. Upon being exiled from the organisation, Azamya lost touch with herself and the force, weakening her dark side abilities. Ehoc found the young pureblood a few weeks before the resurgency of the Ordo Templaris during the fifth crusade, taking her on as his secret apprentice. Slowly, she regained her abilities, before becoming a fully fledged member of the Ordo Templaris. After the Order's evacuation of Seswenna and their subsequent migration to Dosuun, Azamya's path was directed towards balance by her master. After witnessing Ehoc's death at the hands of Ahskaf on the Cradle of Eternity, she slowly started to degrade into a state of perpetual self loathing. It wasn't until the destruction of one of the false pillars of the True Templars under the guidance of Jolene that Aza embraced her role as the spear. She then was working on finding her place in the Ordo with her newfound title, as well as training her romantic partner Rafael in the ways of the force. After Rafael's disappearance and the death of the Shards, Aza has become a Grand Master of the Ordo Templaris.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing at 1.52 Metres, Azamya would seem petite and fragile at first glance. However, what she lacks in strength, she makes up for in agility. She would frequently use the force to substitute for her physical endurance and strength.

Body Features

Azamya usually wears her hair in a messy sidecut. She has a rather lithe body with taut skin.

Facial Features

Most noticeable are Azamya's tendrils, a clear sign of her Sith heritage. Two of these can be seen above her eyes, and four on her chin. Her cheekbones are very defined, and her nose small and refined.

Identifying Characteristics

One of the first things to strike someone as odd about Azamya's appearance is the lack of colour within her grey eyes, caused by a sudden mutation, caused by too much strain on her body through the dark side of the force. Additionally, she has golden niobium graduate lobe piercings on both ears, as well as a ring piercing on her right nostril.

Physical quirks

While her left hand is dominant, as usual for Sith Purebloods, Azamya has trained herself into being ambidextrous throughout her life. Furthermore, she often taps her fingers in a rhythmic manner when bored, often to the annoyance of others.

Special abilities

Azamya always had a strong connection to the force, allowing her to draw on the dark side, allowing her to conjure force lightning, use Tutaminis and speak to others through the force. Ever since she was young, she was trained in the art of stealth, allowing her to hide her presence with the use of the force.

Apparel & Accessories

Azamya prefers light clothing over heavy armour due to her focus on agility. She will rarely be seen wearing armour, focusing on simple robes as her casual wear. The pureblood, however, seems to prefer tighter clothes in combat, due to the very loose robes hindering her movement. She can usually be seen wearing three golden necklaces.

Specialized Equipment

Azamya has specialised in double-bladed fighting, relying on lightsabers with dual blades, though she often relies on the use of the force in combat. She also possesses the knowledge to create Shikkars, blades used for assassination since the time of the ancient Sith.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Azamya was created in an attempt by the cultist Lord Archarok and his wife, Alehaani as part of a much grander project to create a prototype for an army of genetically pure Sith Pureblood. The Srâro family had been blaming humans for the Sith's defeat during the Great Hyperspace War for generations. Due to their lack of experience, Azamya would be much smaller than most Sith, though her DNA included far less human DNA than most citizens of the Empire. Alehaani wanted to dispose of the child, though Archarok decided she could still be of use. She was named Asha, meaning Victory in the language of the Sith.   Only one month after her creation, a rival Sith attacked the Srâro estate, destroying the equipment used to create the Sith, as well as the generation-old research leading up to Asha's existence. Alehaani would be slain in the attack, leaving Archarok alone with the imperfect prototype. For two days, he would isolate himself, stricken with grief and about his plans. Realising Asha might be the only hope for the survival of his faith, he eventually took it upon himself to train her as the perfect assassin, sparring with her from the moment she could hold a weapon.   Archarok wanted to create a tool, which he thought could satisfy his longing for revenge, and carry on the legacy of House Srâro. At the age of 7, Asha was forced to kill her first target - a disobedient slave. Being too young to understand the consequences, and wanting to make her father proud, she stabbed the man several times, unleashing her anger and colouring the floor beneath them red. Her father however punished her severely, calling the killing "sloppy". Asha was locked into a room for a week, without water or food. After that, the forced executions became a part of Asha's training program. Whenever the murder was not satisfactory enough for her father, she would be punished harshly, each time more agonising than the last.   Furthermore, the sparring with her father often injured the pureblood, as he made sure to inflict painful injuries upon each mistake she made. The rough training scarred the young girl, causing her to feel great resentment towards Archarok. She was, however, safe in her mother's personal library. Archarok would usually not dare enter, not wanting to show any weakness near his daughter. Here is where the young pureblood discovered her lust for knowledge, especially of historical nature. She would often spend entire days just studying the history of the dark side, the Empire and the Sith. The room would become somewhat of a safe haven for Asha, creating a feeling of comfort.   Asha would eventually kill Archarok at the age of 21 in one of their sparring matches, by stabbing him with a poisoned Shikkar. She had been planning her revenge for several months, creating the weapon under the close supervision of her father, under the guise of wanting to perfect her craft. Asha would make her escape from the estate, utilising her skills in infiltration to sneak past the guards without being seen. She forced a pilot to commandeer a shuttle for her, wanting to leave Dromund Kaas behind forever. The ship was hit by imperial fighters in the escape attempt, due to the pilot sending a distress signal to the fleet. This caused her to aimlessly drift in the Dromund System, left for dead by the imperial forces. Luckily, she was found by a smuggler named Jargal Crysor. The man took her onto his ship, believing she would prove to be a vital ally somewhere down the line. As Asha had only ever grown up in isolation, communication was difficult. She only spoke broken basic, her father not having bothered to teach her this 'inferior' language. However, the new language would prove to be a smaller hurdle than anticipated, as the pureblood was quick to learn. She decided to join Jargal's crew, forsaking her name and becoming Azamya. She would swear to herself to never return to her roots, wanting to forget everything about her family.   But Azamya could not deafen herself to the whispers of the dark side, causing her to eventually leave the smugglers and figure out her place in the galaxy. She would subsequently join the Atrox Ascensus, trying to find her place outside the Empire. She spent time in the order, honing her skills and growing stronger while doing so, while in return helping to hunt and destroy the Delitors, mighty force users and arch enemies of the Atrox Ascensus. She would be taken under the wing of High Lord Sadia Lsu. During the time, she married Lelianne Blackblade, a Mandalorian in service to the Ascensus. Internal conflicts in the Ascensus tore a rift between her and her friends, eventually peaking in Sadia getting exiled, and Azamya following her. Finally, Vexe took control over the order and allowed the two to come back. Aza's best friend, Ivy, however, who chose Wolfus' side in the conflict, developed ill feelings towards her. Barely holding on to their friendship, Aza was devastated.   Unfortunately, the tensions in the Ascensus had not faded away. Ehoc, who at the time was a High Lord and somewhat of a father figure for Azamya, was seemingly killed in a duel, causing Aza to resent both Vexe and the order. Sadia eventually dropped her as an apprentice, causing Azamya to grow bitter and resentful towards the order. Furthermore, Azamya was being tracked down by Nadestra, the Sith whose DNA was used in the creation of the young pureblood. Vexe sent Azamya on a mission to right her wrongs, as well as kill a Delitor to restore her status within the Atrox Ascensus as punishment.   The hunt for Nadestra took several months, before finally culminating in a battle on Nadestra's personal ship. Though Azamya would come out of the fight as the victor, the ship had already made its rapid descent towards the planet's surface. Whatever survivors made it off the wreckage were eaten by the planet's native Brintaks. Aza, however, managed to outrun the beasts, trying to stay as far away out of trouble as possible. Weeks passed, and Aza became more and more isolated within her mind. The complete absence of social interaction paired with her feelings of failure, despair and guilt became too much for her psyche, causing her to banish most emotions not needed for survival. This caused a severely weakened connection to the force, as Aza had almost only ever known to utilise the dark side, which relied heavily on emotion. She sent out a distress signal from the ship's remains, though she had given up hope of anyone rescuing her.   Time passed, and Aza had established herself on the planet, as a familiar figure approached. Aza could not believe her eyes, as Ehoc, alive and well appeared near her small encampment. Azamya approached the man, initially thinking the isolation caused her to hallucinate. She slowly started to trust her past friend during their conversation. Desperate to escape her prison, she agreed to join the newly reborn, yet initially misguided Ordo Templaris under Ehoc's command. She would serve as his secret apprentice, slowly rebuilding her connection to the dark side, until it was time to show her real face to the rest of the Ordo.   During that time, she had to endure many hardships. She lost a leg to a Jedi, faced torture by an unknown individual and repeatedly had to confront her past during Ehoc's training. The crusaders recognised her sacrifices and gradually came to accept her as one of their own. She was officially taken into the Order by Ehoc after her allies - most notably Ivy and Athelstann - showed to care about the girl and publicly voiced their complaints about her situation. Azamya no longer had to stay in the shadows, no longer had to hide her true self. It was during that time that she formed a close friendship with Arrtrok, who always tried to get back the 'old Aza'.   After the Ordo retreated from Seswanna and meeting her master again on Dosuun, he ordered her to take Arrtrok as her apprentice, to teach her responsibility and humility. During the time she started to get to know Rafael, slowly but surely beginning to develop feelings for him. After some time, before Ehoc left the Ordo again for then-unknown reasons, he told her to no longer have Arrtrok as her apprentice, due to her having learnt enough from their interactions. After that point, her relationship with Arrtrok slowly began to deteriorate due to differing views and opinions about the Ordo, the force and their respective selves. When Ehoc departed without notice, Aza couldn't help but feel abandoned by her master and friend. She desperately put all her trust into Fia, who now led the Ordo, hoping she would succeed where Ehoc failed.   After Fia agreed to help Vexe against Aza's pleas and beggings, she isolated herself for a while, thinking she might have misplaced her faith in the Ordo altogether. When her master returned again, she was conflicted at first. She was happy to see him back but didn't want to just let him off the hook. However, while the battle against the Jedi raged on Dosuun, Rafael was critically injured. Ehoc saved his life and won Aza over. It was apparent he had changed during his time with the Architect, and while still loving him like a father, Aza couldn't help but feel a little estranged when interacting with him. Ehoc, however, seemed to show kindness more often these days, providing a safe haven for Aza.   It all came to an end on the Cradle of Eternity, however. Helios convinced Aza to trust him, repairing any damages to her body, such as her heavily scarred body and restored her lost leg. His brother Ahskaf was with the Ordo at the time, and Azamya started to slowly come to terms with being stuck on the Cradle for a long time, maybe even eternity. It was during that time she was told that from the genetic material of Felix and her, new lifeforms had been created. When the Ordo attacked intending to rescue the two and helping Ahskaf retake the Cradle, Aza stood between the two brothers, convinced that Ahskaf had been deceiving the Ordo and took an artefact that Ehoc had gifted her before. When fighting broke out, Ehoc moved Aza out of the way. Helios finally fell, and Ehoc retrieved the object from his corpse. Azamya was devastated, once again having misplaced her trust, as she silently made her way back to the Ordo's shuttles. However, she soon came sprinting back, upon realising that something terrible was happening to Ehoc, who at that point was engaged in a vicious duel with the usurper. Something inside of Aza snapped, as she tapped into the dark side more potent than ever before, conjuring lightning from her fingertips, more potent than at any other given point in her life. Her eyes changed from their scarlet red colour into a lifeless grey due to the considerable toll it took on her. Though she realised that everything was too late when Ehoc ordered her to live instead of throwing her life away like that. She left him to die with a heavy heart, following the order out. The moment she could feel the presence of Ehoc slip away, she felt a part of herself die as well.   When serving under Salidar, Aza tried to hide her hostility towards the woman as well as possible. She couldn't believe that Salidar was actually real since Ehoc thought her to be dead. Aza distrusted her and tried to limit their interactions to a bare minimum. The new Grand Master's apparent Xenophobia didn't help their relationship. Furthermore, during this time, Fia and Azamya encountered "Seven", one of the shards of The Flame. He would take Ehoc's artefact from Aza, calling it the "Key to Avalon". On a mission in the Second City on Dosuun, Delawar was taken by Seven as well. Aza, who was in charge and promised Fia to return everyone safely, was devastated, ready to make great sacrifices to get him back. She would try to pierce through the wound in the force left by Seven. The stress proved too much for her body to bear. Although she gained a glimpse of the Flame's rebirth, the cost was high. She had lost her connection to the force and fell into a coma.   She was awoken by Oscar, who unknowingly to her at the time, had been turned into the Flame. He gifted her with the Ring of the Spear, and two scrolls from Ehoc. Aza would keep her distance from the others yet again, not wanting her weakness to become a burden. She befriended Jolene A.K.A James in the meantime, shortly before the Flame killed Salidar. A few weeks later during one mission to Seswenna, in which she put on the ring and killed the false Flame of The True Templars, Azamya became the Second Spear of the Ordo Templaris. This also slowly started to restore her lost connection to the force.   During her journey to Ilum, Azamya had to leave Rafael behind on an exploding space station. She put the survival of the Ordo over her own personal feelings, believing it was the right thing to do. She is currently trying to stay as busy as possible, hoping not to be confronted by the events.




Until escaping from her family's estate, Azamya's only education came from her father's teachings and the limited information the Srâro library held. Upon her acceptance into the Atrox Ascensus, her knowledge grew through regular visits to the archives. The lessons held by the Lords and High Lords of the organisation were the only formal education Azamya ever received. Furthermore, both Sadia and Ehoc helped her gain a greater understanding of the force. She still spends a lot of time at the Ordo's Archives, trying to quench her thirst for knowledge.


Though never formally employed, Azamya has worked for Crysor's crew for several months, before she was accepted into the Atrox Ascensus. There, she trained as an acolyte and an apprentice. Afterwards, since her discovery by Ehoc, she has been working for the Ordo Templaris.

Failures & Embarrassments

Azamya's failure to see the corruption in the Atrox Ascensus still gnaws at her, as well as her failure to save Rafael and go to Ilum.

Mental Trauma

Her childhood, the loss of her connection to the force and Ehoc's and Rafael's deaths have scarred Azamya's psyche heavily, though she refuses the topics with most people.

Intellectual Characteristics

Azamya is a rather quick learner, especially in the topic of history and linguistics, though she shows no particular interest in the latter. She is naturally curious, asking more questions than others may tolerate. Furthermore, Azamya becomes rather depressed when she has nothing to do, constantly looking for some sort of distraction.

Morality & Philosophy

Apart from believing in the urgent need for balance, Azamya despises tyrants whit a burning fury. Though she started out with high ideals, her experiences have been turning her more and more into a pragmatist.


Azamya has always had difficulties talking about her past, due to the mental scars it left on her psyche. Similarly, she is reluctant to speak of Sadia and their relationship. Her time spent on Giaca, as well as the resulting trauma is another undiscussable topic for her. Furthermore, any mention of Rafael will be met with utter silence in most cases.

Personality Characteristics


Having lost herself to Darkness several times, Aza knows the danger imbalance poses and is trying everything to stop it from happening. Her life as a tool also made her sympathise with the opressed people of the galaxy, wanting to prevent them from suffering any longer.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Azamya has always had a knack for languages, having made it possible for her to learn basic comparatively quickly. She is a quick learner and has an above-average memory. However, she possesses no experience as a strategist, making it difficult for her to fit into the role of one of the Ordo's leaders. Moreso, she is nowhere as charismatic as Fia or Teregun, causing her to doubt her abilities of leadership even more.

Likes & Dislikes

Azamya likes compassionate allies who respects her boundaries. She dislikes being lectured, unreasonable figures of authority and running out of banter during socialisation attempts.

Virtues & Personality perks

Azamya tries to be friendly, believing friendship to triumph over rivalries. She also attempts to help her fellow Ordo members wherever she can, as long as it doesn't conflict with her own ideals.

Vices & Personality flaws

Azamya can be very judgemental, often prematurely. She also lacks self-confidence and lost herself to addiction more than once before.

Personality Quirks

Azamya often finds something to fiddle with when she is idle, trying to stay busy as best as she can.


Azamya is a very hygienic person. She showers daily and cleans her weapons after every mission if possible. Furthermore, she is always trying to clean up after herself whenever she can, not wanting to create extra labour for any of the Ordo's personnel.


Social Aptitude

Azamya tries to fool others into believing she is highly confident after all. However, she is a socially awkward person, often struggling with basic conversations, due to her time in isolation and her discomfort around most others.


Azamya is a quick speaker, and very informal most of the time.

Hobbies & Pets

She likes to draw in her free time, though most of it is occupied by physical training.


Azamya speaks in a very distinct accent, due to her having to learn basic by herself and only being exposed to the spoken language in her early twenties. Her voice is lower-pitched than most expect for someone of her physique.



Apprentice (Vital)

Towards Ehoc




Master (Important)

Towards Azamya




Friend (Important)

Towards Fia




Friend (Important)

Towards Azamya




Ally (Important)

Towards Teregun Yarr



Teregun Yarr

Colleague (Important)

Towards Azamya




Superior (Trivial)

Towards Weygand




Subordinate (Trivial)

Towards Azamya



Aveus Alya

Friend (Important)

Towards Azamya




Ally (Important)

Towards Aveus Alya




Romantic partner (Vital)

Towards Rafael




Romantic partner (Vital)

Towards Azamya




Rafael is believed to have died on Board of Reecee station.

Emma Reylín


Towards Azamya




Towards Emma Reylín


Wealth & Financial state

Due to Azamya never officially having existed within the Empire, she has no formal claim to the Srâro family's assets and therefore lives without any real wealth to speak of. While she had substantial resources at her disposal during her hunt for Melehin, Azamya has since not held any riches besides immediate belongings.
Year of Birth
32799 TYA 28 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Artificially grown in a gene lab
Grey (Formerly Red)
Burgundy Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scarlet red
1.52 m
54 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Do as I say, not as I do."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Sith - Native
High Sith - Native
Basic - Native
Mando'a - Poor Verbal