Emma Reylín Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil

Emma Reylín

Crusader Emma Reylín Reylín (a.k.a. Reylín)

Emma Reylín is 23 years old and is a former Sith Assassin born on Dromund Kaas. She ultimately grew tired of the Sith ways, and once the Sith killed her family, she chose to join the Ordo on the idea of reforming the Empire. Now she has realised that isn't the purpose of the Ordo Templaris, but has chosen to give her life to the duties of the Ordo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Above average in physical condition of a woman her age. Slightly underweight.

Body Features

A white tattoo on her upper right arm.

Facial Features

Red tattoos over her eyes and lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Her yellow dark side eyes.

Physical quirks

When formal, almost always keeping her hands behind her back and holding a formal stance. When nervous she is either drumming with her fingers against her thigh or scratching behind her ear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emma Reylín was born into slavery on Dromund Kaas, Kaas City Expanse. Her family consisted of her older brother and her mother. Her father was unknown. Here she was immediately taken into rough care by the Imperials, taken in and be raised to become a slave just like the rest of her family. They were working on expanding the city's borders and they were often abused. Her brother and mother were not force sensitives, but the Imperials soon discovered that young Emma was indeed. She sent an Imperial slaver flying into a wall at the age of fifteen in an act of resistance of going back to the working environment. When the Sith were notified, she was taken to the Sith Academy on Korriban. Here she would undergo brutal training, repetitive acts of abuse and other kinds of trauma. She later killed her last rival after several years of training, becoming an Apprentice under a Sith called Lord Arcensus. She was quickly integrated into the art of stealthing and assassination, repeatedly trained with a double bladed lightsaber. She was weak in her lightsaber fighting, but her strength in the force could not be denied. She was however pushed to become an assassin under her master. Regularly she would go visit her family in secret from her master. Her family had always protected her from other slaves that would abuse her or steal her food. Now she used her authority as a Sith to protect them and help them in their time of need to repay that. Her master however was not pleased when he found out about her sympathy with her slave family. He saw this as an opportunity to fuel her rage and hatred. He had her brother and mother arrested, bringing them into a chamber where Reylín were forced to watch as they were executed. This however was over the line, and Reylín escaped, officially hating the Sith and the Empire, denouncing her title of Sith and went out on a freelancing rampage on weak Imperial targets were she massacred settlers and small convoys to vent her hatred. A couple years later, she would come across the Ordo Templaris where she was integrated on the thought of replacing the Empire and reform the government. She went by that motivation for a time before Templari Ehoc came and explained to her that the goal wasn't that at all. After that she started to question her loyalty to the Ordo, but she came around and figured out there was no other way she could go, she decided to stay and perform her duty until she was eventually promoted to the rank of Crusader, a fully trusted member of the Ordo. She still questioned her own loyalty, but it was at this point that her loyalty towards Grand Master Fia would be stronger than her loyalty to the Ordo itself. Later on the Ordo moved to Helska from Dosuun and merged with the other Ordo cells. It was here she became an official student under the newly appointed Pillar Fia. Here she has started to change her fighting style from being an offensive Juyo artist to become a single bladed Soresu Guardian. Other than that, she started to read and grow an understanding of the ways of the Ordo, starting to believe in the cause and she underwent a change. She finally understood, letting go of the narrow minded thought that balance was just about the area between Ashlan and Bogan. She finally understood and her loyalty is now fully sealed to the Ordo Templaris.




Completed Training at the Sith Academy on Korriban, Studying under Pillar Fia in the Ordo Templaris, former Apprentice of Arrtrok in the Ordo Templaris.


Ordo Templaris - Crusader, Sith Empire - Sith Assassin

Accomplishments & Achievements

Promotion from Initiate to Crusader of the Ordo.

Failures & Embarrassments

Buying a company for 445 million credits without consulting Grand Master Fia. Failed to understand the ways of the Ordo in the beginning.

Mental Trauma

Her training in the Sith Academy on Korriban. Having to watch as the Sith executed her slave mother and sister in front of her very eyes. Her time in the Cradle of Bogan.

Intellectual Characteristics

Narrow-minded, Impressionable, Compassionate, Courageous.

Morality & Philosophy

She is duty bound to the ways of the Ordo Templaris. Trusts and serves the will of the force.


Personal History.

Personality Characteristics


Make the galaxy a better place, wanting to hinder the Empire from getting control of the galaxy especially since what they did to her family.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Acts of Kindness, Acts of Duty, Acts of Affection, Reading, Exercise. Propriety. Dislikes: Selfishness, Unecessary Cruelty, Unecessary Killing. Incompetence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Good manners, Polite, Compassionate.

Vices & Personality flaws

Impatient, often failing to see the bigger picture.


Reylín cares about her hygiene, brushing her teeth every day, bathing regularly, and making sure to wear her deodorant under clean robes.


Contacts & Relations

No contacts outside of the Ordo Templaris.

Family Ties

No known family alive.

Religious Views

She believes in the Force.

Social Aptitude

Awkward towards those she doesn't know, hard to gain friends, easy time to talk when on duty.


Very polite, formal and respectful in the way she behaves.

Hobbies & Pets

Reylín likes to exercise a lot, and practice lightsaber combat techniques. Reading is also on the list.


Kaasian accent, soft voice, slow paced.



Friend (Important)

Towards Emma Reylín



Emma Reylín


Towards Weygand


Emma Reylín


Towards Fia




Towards Emma Reylín


Emma Reylín


Towards Azamya




Towards Emma Reylín


Emma Reylín


Towards Aveus Alya


Aveus Alya


Towards Emma Reylín


Emma Reylín

Close Friend

Towards Rizsazal



Close Friend

Towards Emma Reylín


Emma Reylín


Towards Jolene A.K.A James


Jolene A.K.A James

Forced colleague

Towards Emma Reylín


Wealth & Financial state

She owns no significant wealth.
Year of Birth
32804 TYA 23 Years old
Dromund Kaas - Kaas City Expanse
Current Residence
Helska III
Natural Eye Colour: Dark Blue, Currently Dark Side Corrupted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
171 cm
61.67 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Basic - Native


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