Orbius Kingdom Timeline Timeline
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Kingdom Timeline

Timeline of events related to the kingdom.

  • 0 BK

    Founding of Norland

    The unification of several kingdoms into one, the Kingdom of Norland, which is taken as the founding of the Kingdom as a whole.

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  • 153 CT

    Founding of Wessex

    Flaftred crowned king in Westport of the Kingdom of Wessex. This kingdom becomes an arch-rival of the kingdom of Norland. This remains pagan - specifically, worshipping Thor and Odin. (There also remains a violent Caric fringe - though these are increasingly tied to the kings of Wessex - as they are willing and capable warriors. They are also pagans, though druidical in nature.)

  • 220 CT

    230 CT

    Ritmark & Vassalton Beginnings

    Ritmark (centered around the fork of the Bright and Greatflood rivers) and Vassalton (now Regelsburg) also established as Kingdoms. These are different from the zillions of other kingdoms and principalities and empires and whatnot in that they are anointed kings by the Church of Bob - thus both establishing their legitimacy and establishing that of the Church of Bob. [Don’t confuse this Ritmark with the later one: this is first; same name. The latter is related, but very tangentially.]

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  • 402 CT

    Sudrein Founding

    Charles the Tall consolidates several provinces in the south and forms the kingdom of Sudrein, stretching from the Black valley south.

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  • 411 CT

    412 CT

    Josephine's Theocracy
    Political event

    Josephine, a high priestess and cousin of Cleo, tries to establish a theocracy in Norland.

    The Kingdom
  • 438 CT

    445 CT

    Heinrich's Conquest
    Political event

    Heinrich, a German lord, overthrows the Norman kings of Norland.

    The Kingdom
  • 480 CT

    500 CT

    Sack of Vassalton
    Disaster / Destruction

    Vassalton, long under assault from Barbarian hordes, and never able to reach peace with the woodlanders to the north, is destroyed and sacked

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  • 503 CT

    516 CT

    Conquest of Sudrein
    Military action

    Edgar of Norland conquers 1/4 of Sudrein. Many Vinari brought north. Normans move back into Norland, and begin establishing power bases again.

  • 613 CT

    Division of Norland
    Political event

    Norland splits into two kingdoms, which remain constantly at war.

  • 683 CT

    Reunification of Norland
    Political event

    Anson, a Norman Lord, reunites Norland by combination of the sword and the tongue. He dies sonless, though, and his nephew Louis I is crowned, establishing a hardy line of kings. (691)

  • 834 CT

    939 CT

    Wars of Unification
    Political event

    Wars between the three kingdoms of Norfolk, Wessex and Sudrein that ended with the unification of the three kingdoms under Brian, in Norwich.

    The Kingdom
  • 834 CT

    Sudrein Invades Norland
    Military action

    Sudrein invades Norland, touching off the events that led to a century of warfare between the three kingdoms.

    The Kingdom
  • 838 CT

    Birth of Ernest

    Son of Curtis and Marlana.

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  • 842 CT

    Death of Charles

    Charles, King of NOrland, dies, and Louis becomes high king, John king og NOrland, while Curtis, married to Marlana, holds real power.

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  • 850 CT

    861 CT

    War of the North
    Military action

    Curtis of Norland and Wessex invades the north, and conquered much of it.

    The Kingdom
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  • 866 CT

    869 CT

    Alain's Rebellion
    Political event

    Alain leads a revolt against Curtis’ tyranny and usurpation.

    The Kingdom
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  • 877 CT

    879 CT

    Orc Wars
    Military action

    Easterners and Orcs mount a huge campaign into the west. The easterners again invade south of the Sapphire hills - they wipe out most of the border lords and reach the Bright river. In the north, another group, based around Farmington now, invades Regelsburg, destroying all before them, and approaching Ernest from the north. The northern forces - in Dassal and Regelsburg, among the Indians and Elves, etc. are not keen to help Ernest - but the savagery of the Orcs and Easterners finally brings them in. A party of Easterners caught a party of high ranking elves - they tortured a couple to death, carried several off into slavery, and subjected on high born maiden to several days of sexual torture before turning her loose - naked, bleeding, out of her head - not far from an Indian camp. This brought the Elves and Indians into the war in earnest. They launched a devastating and effective attack on the rear of the Easterners’ army - an elite force went all the way to the Kingdom looking for enemies - these attacks totally demoralized the invaders, and Ernest was able to drive them out, though not out of Farmington or the areas south of the Sapphires. During this war, Byron fought with the wood elves and began to gain a reputation as a fighter.

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  • 895 CT

    896 CT

    Byron's War
    Military action

    Byron rebels. He acts fast - seizes Normouth, barely misses catching Ernest (a wily old villain who gets out a window just ahead of his assassins.) He does collect a number of Ernest’s children. Ernest’s wife is named Clarissa (she is a scion of the Norland royal family) - their children are: Christian (b864), Ingrid (865), Lana (869). (Another, a girl, Katerina, died in 890). There are also several grandchildren - Christian’s children are: Bjorne (889 Ingrid’s = Lucinda (886), Harold (889 Lana’s = Curtis (891), James (892), and a stillborn girl. Byron catches Lana’s family - husband and children - he attempts to use them as hostages to make Ernest give himself up, but Ernest tells him to kill them if he wants. This confuses Byron, who is not blood thirsty, though it also turns Ingrid against her father. War breaks out. Ernest wins. In 896 Byron is captured - he is tortured and killed. 2 companions escape to tell the tale.

  • 939 CT

    Unification of the Kingdom
    Political event

    Brian becomes king in Norwich, officially united Norfolk, Wessex and Sussex.

    The Kingdom
  • 1160 CT

    1165 CT

    War of the North
    Military action

    Orcs and Easterners ally and invade the west.

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