Orbius War of the North
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War of the North

Military action


Curtis of Norland and Wessex invades the north, and conquered much of it.

This begins with heavy Viking raids (which manage to seize much of Westward island and devastate most of the coast, all the way in to Westport) - Curtis organizes an attack in return. In 850, a major expedition is attempted - this manages to clear a winter settlement off Westward Island - in 852, a series of furious battles are fought along the coast of western Wessex up as far as Oceanside. This starts the process - over the next several years, Curtis and his generals move up the coast, establishing strongholds, making deals with the locals, until in 859-861, they are able to launch a major attack on the Norse strongholds in Oceanside and north of Oceanside - they are dissuaded from such ambition for a while. (In this last campaign, Ernest emerges as a strong leader.)

Related Location
The Kingdom
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