Orokh Species in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Orokh (OR-uhk)

An orokh (sometimes pronounced "orc") is a Humanoid species exceptionally capable of surviving in harsh, cold, dry, and windy environments like prairies and steppes. They are physically powerful and mentally sharp, known as widely for their strength and endurance as for their fierce intelligence.

Basic Information


The average adult orokh stands between 5.5 and 6.5 feet tall. Their skin comes in various shades of grays and greens. They have broad chests and shoulders and tend to accumulate body fat. Their lower canine teeth protrude slightly above their upper lip.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orokhim infants are born smaller than human infants, but grow much more quickly; the average orokh baby can walk (albeit awkwardly) by the age of 6-8 months. Orokhim grow to their full size well before they reach sexual or social maturity. An orokh stands at their full height by the age of 13-15, though their musculature lags a few years behind this. Adolescent orokhim are largely distinguishable from adult orokhim by their lankiness and general awkwardness.   The average orokhim life span is 100-120 years, though orokhim have been known to live to the age of 150-175. Any orokhim who makes it past the age of 90 is considered an elder and revered within their tribe, circle, or clan.

Ecology and Habitats

The majority of orokhim live on the steppes and prairies of western Dreibach, and seem to thrive in the harsh extremes of the environment. This cohort of the orokhim is called the Prairie Clans.   Other orokhim populations live in the comparatively milder Western Woods. These orokhim tend to be somewhat smaller and stealthier than their prairie-dwelling counterparts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The orokh diet is primarily carnivorous; the endurance and strength of the orokhim make them exceptional hunters. Orokhim supplement this with foraged berries, roots, fungi, and grains; a few will also eat the grains and produce of other species' fields, either gifted to them (in the case of the Nuelorokh liberators) or stolen from them (in the case of the conquering Orokhim raiders).

Cover image: by Art by author.


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