The Scorpion's Sting in Ondûn | World Anvil
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The Scorpion's Sting

The Scorpion's Sting was a tavern on Estu Island in Qoza.  


Constructed inside the ruin of a stone pharos, the Scorpion's Sting was situated at the end of a long stone pier that jutted into Tharza's Bight. Despite its impressive exterior, it was a small and cramped tavern, particularly towards the end of its life. It was frequently in ill-repair, due to the city's constant downpour. Rain leaked from above and rotten the floorboards below.   The tavern's namesake – a massive siege weapon – hung from the rafters and hadn't been fired in years before the tavern's destruction in 67 2A.  


Founded in 830 1A, the Scorpion's Sting was a speakeasy for many years, masquerading as a functional pharos. Famous for its revolutionary sentiment, the name was a reference to the siege weapons – illegal under Arqozath the Audacious – that drove Tharzavok the Tremendous away during her attack in 690 1A. The tavern's namesake was carefully hidden for years, known only to its young radical patronage. A well-kept secret for much of Qoza's history, the Sting was where revolutionaries would gather to argue politics and discuss secession plans.   By 67 2A, the pharos was long disused, its brazier rusted from rain and the structure in decline.  


The Menagerie

  • Vhakizla: While the Menagerie was licking its wounds in Athson 67 2A, three mercenaries – Cerbereus, Mermaid and Unicorn – burned down the Scorpion's Sting, believing its proprietors had poisoned Pudding, one of their comrades.

The Scorpion's Sting

  Location: Estu Island, Qoza
Founded: 830 1A
Destroyed: 67 2A

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