Piety in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Piety was the capital city of the Sixfold Faith. Located on the shores of the Sea of Six Gods in southern Sapphros, it was once a loxodon religious site that grew to become the seat of Ondûn's largest religion.  


Second Age

The site that would eventually become Piety began as a loxodon religious shrine, meant to honor the six gods of their little-known religion. By 12 2A, however, human refugees and founders of the church had begun to construct a wall around the site, to prevent nonbelievers from accessing the sacred shrine.   By 50 2A, Piety had grown to a large and thriving port city of nearly 20,000 people – nearly all human refugees, fleeing the devastation of the Night Wars. By 60 2A, they'd constructed a small flotilla – six ships, each named after one of their six gods – that began to embark on religious missions on the Sea of Six Gods, searching for more converts.   By 67 2A, Piety was advancing a cold war with its eastern neighbor, Vhakizla. A pair of Pious ships – the Pious Strength and the Pious Wisdom – blockaded the mouth of the Heartvein River, seeking to prevent the dracolich from receiving supplies from Thanatos.  


The Menagerie

  • Vhakizla: The Menagerie came into conflict with the Pious blockade in 67 2A while working for Vhakizla. Their first task was to break the blockade, despite the overwhelming numbers arrayed before them.


Sacred City, City of Shrines

Founded: 387 1A
Authority: Theocracy
Population: 37,000 (current)
Demographics: Isolated (81% human, 10% loxodon, 9% other)
Demonym: Pious

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