Khûm – Chapter 9 in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Khûm – Chapter 9

“Spring of 68. Second Age. The Roofbeams.
“That said, for all my talk about that gods-damned forest and everything in it, I damn near volunteered for that scouting mission of the Commander’s. Not that I’m keen to trek through spider-haunted woods – far from it – but because I’d give anything for some distance from these snoring, slack-jawed idiots all around me.
One thing they don’t tell ya, when you sign a mercenary contract, is how tiresome the company grows. The same faces, the same stories, the same snoring, day in and day out.
Gimme a reprieve from Girallon’s complaining or Barghest’s farts or even Vulture’s cooking. Coupla days on my own, even in this snowy hellscape, and I’d be one happy fucker. Well, one happier fucker, anyway.
Way things’re going, though, don’t expect I’ll get that opportunity anytime soon.”
– Beholder's Log, Hemson 35 68 2A
Their guards dispatched while the unassuming Mystriarchy continues their prayer, the Commander's Tent disappeared into the Range of Sovereigns. It was no great task to avoid so many lumbering dwarves, particularly with Remorhaz scampering up into the tall firs to scout their movements. Search and search as they might, the priests and paladins of the Mystriarchy could not locate their prisoners. From there, some discussion was had about where the mercenaries should head until Remorhaz thought to inform Dûnya of their successful escape with a sending spell.   They were surprised by her response – imploring them to travel to Truethrone and attempt to hire Yorgos of Nyre and his Iron Word to spring her from her captivity. As they journeyed towards Ovma Terminal, they debated the best course of action. In a flurry of sendings, they informed Chimera and tipped off Yorgos but did not venture back to Truethrone themselves. Umber attempted to ascertain Dûnya's feelings for him but was disappointed with her cold responses.   After several days of crossing the open tundra, the mercenaries arrived at the foot of mighty Krazvadan and went searching for the entrance to Ovma Terminal. That's where the Ontha qorhv – or what remains of it – happened upon them. Their orcs all dead from the black bloat, the worgs threatened to visit vengeance upon the outlanders but wise words smoothed things over and even secured them a young worg ally named Grawmor, who agreed to lead the party to the terminal and even join the Menagerie.   A whirlwind passage beneath the kingdom brought the mercenaries to Dravya Terminal, at the foot of the Clatterdowns in northern Khûm. With directions from a friendly traveler, they made their way over the noisy mountains and even butted heads with a few of the range's impressive goat breeds. Gawping at their first view of the Roofbeams, the Commander's Tent descended down the northern slops and into the expansive frozen Firewood.   The forest was quiet, cold and eerily still. With no difficulty could one become lost beneath its eaves. When Umber climbed a nearby tree to gauge the distance remaining in their quest, he stumbled and fell but not into the snow below. Instead, he landed with a spring on the icy strands of a frost spider's web, descending from above to feast on his surprised flesh.
Campaign: The Menagerie
Game Date: Hemson 35–45, 68 2A
Starting Point: Range of Sovereigns
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