Jos'Dalkar Settlement in Olquen | World Anvil


The capital of the Dalkori Empire is a large and wondrous city.  It is reputed to be the city of contradictions.  At its heart, the worship of the twin gods and their Church of the Geminate is practiced by the vast majority of residents here.  Yet, despite religion being so significant in the daily life of the Dals, their gods focused on war and politics which created a religion that one could easily mistake for secularism.  The Dalkori are a people who consider themselves outcasts from the moment of the Sundering when it is believed the other gods joined together to defeat the twins or, at least, force them back in line.  This has created a cultural inclination towards suspicion towards strangers and a reputation for being slow to trust others, even other Dals.  Yet, despite this reputation, Jos'Dalkor is filled with people from across the world, and even a size-able number of people from other worlds in the multiverse.  This seeming contradiction leads to a society that is built on secrets, formal interactions with strangers, and deep bonds amongst those who have earned each others trust.   The famed "steps" of Jos'Dalkor that form the tiers of the city lead to undoubtedly the most easily defensible city in the world.  It is rumored that during the Sundering, Jos'Nala focused her power to ensure the the land on which her people resided would be the ultimate military fort.  This is almost certainly a myth because the very creation of the steps caused far greater loss of life for her followers than that which was seen in the eastern portion of Kirinor when The Rift was created.


Following the Sundering and the creation of The Rift, which split the continent into three, the former western portions of the ancient city of Kirinor (now Mendhalia) were now located on the western side of The Rift itself some 150 miles from its former location.  As this portion of the city had been primary inhabited by followers of the twin gods, Jos'Nala and Jos'Dar it was logical that this new city would be filled with their peoples.   A war-priest adherent of Jos'Nala and Jos'Dar named Kren had risen into leadership in the freshly named Jos’Dakar through his charisma and cunning.  By the time he solidified his leadership of the city and moved west he was able to bring towns and villages into the fold through his silver tongue or his steel sword, in equal measure.


The most ancient buildings in the city look very similar to the ruins in the western portion of Mendhalia.  The newer construction is quite sophisticated but with fewer soaring structures and more heavily fortified buildings better suited to a more militaristic society.


Perched on the edge of The Rift on the south-western side of the nexus point where the three branches come together.  The cataclysmic upheaval caused by the Sundering thrust the land on which Jos'Dalkar lies rapidly upward,  leaving the city with a series of tiers with the high point closest to The Rift and getting progressively lower as they stair-step to the southwest.  For visitors approaching from the land-side of the city it can be quite the sight seeing those tiers rising before you with the massive imperial palace at the peak of the city, far above.
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