Rocks of the Arbin Watershed Material in Olivarenith | World Anvil
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Rocks of the Arbin Watershed

The rocks of the Arbin Watershed make up the bulk of the Arbin Mountain Range. They are usually grey and coarse to the touch, although some specimens gathered especially close to the riverbank are smoothed out and speckled with white flakes, which are trace amounts of silicon.
Above all, the rocks of the Arbin Watershed are well-known for their nutrient-rich compositions. This is partly due to the frequent formation of rainclouds in that area, but the main cause is the Arbin River that flows through, which transports nutrients from its sources as well as trace amounts from rainfall and precipitation throughout the mountains. Thusly, since the Ibrovinid feeds primarily on rocks, these specimens are often sold at high prices for food.
These rocks were well-known throughout the Blivonic Valley, so much so that the city of Ojjeirin grew immensely rich by creating a monopoly on them. This was partially due to the fact that the city was situated close to a mountain pass with direct access to the river at a time when tools were unable to break the sturdy rock. Remnants of their mining system, including small villages and directional carvings, can still be found today at the riverbank.
In 19821 AYM, efforts were made by Niemalorra, the ruler of Blivon at the time, to reduce mining operations. This was due to several rockslides that severely damaged the mining villages. His successor, Ernaiemon, ceased the operations altogether in 19809 AYM. Since then, the Arbin Watershed has been owned under the joint rule of Blivon and Aurhundi to the west, and both countries, under the Arbin Pact of 19798 AYM, restrict mining practices to only a few kilograms per year. Therefore, the majority of people that mine in the Arbin Watershed are usually amateurs.


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