
The Alicorn, often dubbed the NotaUnicorn in terrified whispers, is a creature that walks the fine line between the beauty of a Unicorn and the danger of a carnivorous predator. Resembling its more benevolent counterpart, the Alicorn possesses the iconic spiraled horn and ethereal glow, luring unsuspecting observers into a false sense of security. However, the genuine peril lies hidden within its serrated teeth, a stark deviation from a Unicorn's gentle, herbivorous nature.   Encountering an Alicorn is risky, for its carnivorous appetite poses a significant threat to any who venture too close. The creature's ability to mimic the appearance of a Unicorn makes it a master of deception, and the only distinguishing feature is its razor-sharp teeth. Unfortunately, if one can see these teeth, it is a sign that the observer is dangerously close, and escape is often too late.   The NotaUnicorn earned its colloquial name from the terrified exclamations of those unfortunate enough to cross its path. The realization of the dangerous mistake often comes too late, with screams of "NotaUnicorn!" echoing through the air as individuals desperately attempt to flee from the true nature of the creature they mistook for its gentler counterpart.   The Alicorn serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that not every mythical being is a benevolent guardian.

Basic Information


The Alicorn, a creature of both enchantment and danger, boasts a physical design that seamlessly blends the alluring grace of a Unicorn with the predatory features necessary for its carnivorous lifestyle. The Alicorn shares the classic equine structure with four slender limbs, each terminating in a cloven hoof. Its lean and agile body bears a silky coat that shimmers with an otherworldly luminescence, mirroring the magical essence inherent in its being.   However, the actual deviation lies in the mouth of the Alicorn, where its once serene appearance takes a dark turn. Serrated teeth, sharp and menacing, replace the gentle molars expected of an herbivorous creature. The skeletal structure is adapted to support the Alicorn's predatory nature, with a reinforced jaw capable of delivering powerful bites to subdue its prey.   Muscular and lithe, the Alicorn's physique enables swift and agile movements, essential for evading potential threats and pursuing carnivorous inclinations. Like a Unicorn's, the spiraled horn adds a touch of deceptive beauty to its appearance, capable of striking fear into those who mistake it for the gentler mythical being.   The skeletal framework of the Alicorn is meticulously designed to support its dual nature, combining elements of predatory efficiency with the elegance of mythical grace. This unique anatomy, a fusion of beauty and danger, defines the Alicorn as a formidable and captivating presence in Terra's diverse and dangerous landscapes.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive process of the Alicorn mirrors that of its more benevolent counterpart, the Unicorn. Alicorns engage in courtship rituals, similar to Unicorns, where pairs come together to display synchronized movements and vocalizations during specific seasons.   Once a connection is established, the mating process occurs, marking the beginning of the Alicorn's reproductive cycle. The gestation period for Alicorns is approximately 11 months, akin to Unicorns, during which the female carries the developing offspring within her womb. This period is a time of nurturing and protection, with the expectant Alicorn seeking out secluded and sheltered areas for the safety of herself and the unborn foal.   As the gestation period concludes, the female Alicorn undergoes the process of giving birth, usually in a concealed location. The newborn foal, characterized by its smaller size and the ethereal glow inherited from its parents, quickly gains strength under the watchful eye of its mother.   Family dynamics play a role in the Alicorn's reproductive cycle, with both parents contributing to the guidance and protection of their offspring. The young Alicorn, born with a miniature, straight horn, gradually develops its predatory instincts as it matures.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth of an Alicorn is marked by distinct life stages, each contributing to the predatory prowess and magical allure of these mythical beings. The growth rate is relatively accelerated, reflecting the dynamic and sometimes hazardous nature of the enchanted realms they inhabit.
  1. Foal: The Alicorn begins as a fledgling, born with a miniature, straight horn and distinct predatory instincts inherited from its parents. In this early stage, the young Alicorn relies on its mother for guidance and protection, learning the skills necessary for survival in the magical landscapes of Terra.
  2. Adolescence: As the Alicorn enters adolescence, it experiences a significant growth spurt, both physically and in terms of developing its predatory prowess. The straight horn begins to spiral, signifying the maturation of its magical abilities. This stage is marked by increased independence and honing its hunting skills.
  3. Maturity: The Alicorn reaches maturity in a relatively short period, characterized by the full development of its spiraled horn and the refinement of its predatory instincts. At this stage, the creature embodies the classic image associated with Alicorns—graceful yet dangerous, with a balance of magical allure and predatory prowess.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for Alicorns encompasses the enchanting realms of woodlands and meadows within the post-apocalyptic world of Terra. These mythical beings thrive in landscapes where the dappled sunlight filters through ancient trees and wildflowers carpet the ground. The woodlands conceal their predatory activities and vantage points for keen observation, allowing Alicorns to stalk their prey gracefully and stealthfully.   Adorned with vibrant wildflowers and tall grasses, Meadows serve as ideal hunting grounds for Alicorns. Their agile movements and enhanced senses make these open spaces advantageous for ambushing prey. The combination of woodlands and meadows creates a dynamic and diverse habitat that aligns with the dual nature of Alicorns—magical beings with predatory instincts and an affinity for the beauty of the natural world.   Alicorns interact with their habitat by becoming integral to the delicate balance within these ecosystems. Their movements contribute to the vitality of the flora, and the selective hunting of prey helps regulate the population of other creatures in the woodlands and meadows. The symbiotic relationship between Alicorns and their environment reflects the mystical interconnectedness of the post-apocalyptic world, where mythical beings and the enchanted landscape merge in a dance of predator and prey, magic and nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Alicorn sustains itself through a diet that predominantly consists of fresh prey found in the woodlands and meadows of Terra. Its predatory nature is marked by a unique hunting and feeding strategy that combines predatory instincts with a touch of macabre efficiency.   Diet and Hunting:
  • Prey Selection: Alicorns target various creatures within their habitat, preferring to consume fresh and living prey, starting with the extremities. This can include smaller animals and, occasionally, unsuspecting humans who may find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Predatory Strategy: Alicorns employs a strategic and macabre approach to hunting. They use their powerful legs and sharp horn to incapacitate their prey rather than kill them. This method allows them to keep their prey alive for an extended period, maximizing the freshness of their food source.
  • Horn: The Alicorn's spiraled horn, typically associated with magical properties, becomes a lethal weapon in the hunting process. It is used to subdue prey and deliver precise and calculated strikes, incapacitating the target while keeping it alive for an extended period.
  No Food Storage: Alicorns do not engage in traditional food storage practices. Their predatory behavior is opportunistic, relying on the abundance of fresh prey within their territories. This lack of food storage aligns with their preference for hunting live prey.   Territorial Defense: While Alicorns do not form large herds, they exhibit territorial behavior to protect their hunting grounds and food sources. They mark and defend specific areas where prey is abundant, deterring potential rivals or threats through territorial displays and, if necessary, confrontations.

Biological Cycle

The biology of Alicorns undergoes subtle yet crucial shifts in response to the passing of time and seasonal changes within the mystical landscapes of Terra. Seasonal Changes:
  • Spring: As spring unfolds, the woodlands and meadows come alive with vibrant flora, setting the stage for Alicorn's courtship rituals. The season marks a period of increased activity and social interactions among Alicorns.
  • Summer: In the warmth of summer, Alicorns exhibit heightened hunting and foraging behaviors. The longer days provide ample opportunities for these mythical beings to pursue prey in the meadows, utilizing the cover of tall grasses and vibrant wildflowers to their advantage.
  • Autumn: The changing colors of autumn bring a reflective demeanor to Alicorns. The season marks a subtle shift in behavior, and the magical attributes of these beings may become more pronounced, resonating with the enchanting transformations occurring in the natural world.
  • Winter: The onset of winter sees Alicorns retreating to sheltered areas within the woodlands. The snow-kissed landscapes accentuate their magical aura, creating an ethereal beauty amid the stillness of winter. Alicorns display a more reserved nature during this season, conserving energy for the challenges of the colder months.


The Alicorn exhibits a set of behaviors that reflect its dual nature as both a mythical being and a formidable predator.   Members of its Species:
  • Individualistic Nature: Alicorns are generally individualistic beings with limited social interactions among members of their own species. While they may share territories and engage in courtship rituals during specific seasons, they do not form large herds or communal groups.
  • Courtship Rituals: During certain seasons, Alicorns come together for courtship rituals marked by synchronized movements and vocalizations. These rituals are essential for establishing connections and finding mates. However, once the courtship period concludes, Alicorns typically resume their solitary or paired existence.
  • Swift Evasion: If faced with a direct threat, Alicorns rely on their swift and agile movements to evade danger. Their ability to navigate varied terrains gracefully makes it challenging for predators to engage them successfully. Alicorns prioritize evasion over direct confrontation.
  Predated Species:
  • Selective Hunting: Alicorns engage in selective hunting to maintain a balanced ecosystem. They do not deplete prey populations within their territories, ensuring a sustainable coexistence with other creatures. The hunting strategy, starting with extremities and keeping prey alive for a period, reflects a macabre efficiency in their predatory behavior.
  • Territorial Dynamics: Alicorns mark and defend specific territories, contributing to regulating prey species and preventing overconsumption of resources. Their territorial behavior influences the distribution and density of prey species within the woodlands and meadows they inhabit.

Additional Information


Attempts at domesticating the Alicorn have proven futile and dangerous, as those who dared to try have met grizzly deaths. These mythical beings' elusive and predatory nature resists all efforts at taming or controlling them. The very essence that makes Alicorns formidable predators—sharp hooves, serrated horns, and an instinctive aversion to captivity—also makes them unsuitable for domestication. Any endeavors to subdue Alicorns have resulted in tragic consequences, serving as a stark reminder that some creatures defy the constraints of human influence, remaining wild and untamed in their existence.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Alicorn, often mistaken for its more benevolent counterpart, the Unicorn, is sought after for its perceived magical properties, particularly its horns. Unscrupulous individuals, driven by a misguided pursuit of supernatural remedies or financial gain, may attempt to exploit Alicorns for their horns. Those who mistakenly try to use Alicorns often face dire consequences and end up as dinner, as these creatures fiercely defend themselves against captivity and harm.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Alicorn's large, expressive eyes grant it an enhanced vision, allowing it to perceive details in low-light conditions and detect movement with exceptional precision. This heightened visual acuity aids in its ability to stalk and pursue prey.   In tandem with its keen sight, the Alicorn boasts acute hearing. Its ears are finely tuned to detect even the faintest sounds, offering a distinct advantage in locating potential threats or prey in its environment. This combination of heightened sight and hearing makes the Alicorn a formidable predator day and night.   One of the most distinctive features of the Alicorn is its ability to smell blood from a considerable distance—up to a mile away. This acute olfactory sense allows it to track wounded prey or detect potential danger, adding an element of strategic advantage to its predatory nature.   The ability to smell blood is a crucial tool for Alicorn in pursuing its predatory lifestyle. This heightened sense, coupled with its predatory adaptations, ensures that the Alicorn is well-equipped to thrive in the realms it inhabits.

by Midjourney

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Type: Mythic
Physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 4
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 4
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 4 (bite), Survival 3
Health: 15
Willpower: 8
Initiative: 9
Defense: 5
Running Speed: 18/36
Size: 7
TypeDamageDice Pool
Hoof 3b 8
Horn 1L 9
Bite 3L 9
Knockdown - On a successful hoof attack target must make Dexterity + Athletics roll. on a success character remains standing and can act normally, failure the character is forced to go prone (see “Going Prone,” WoD p. 164). If he has not performed an action in the turn, he loses his action that turn. He cannot perform any tasks and cannot travel that turn; he just hits the ground. He can rise again as an action in a subsequent turn. Or once he lands, he always has the option of remaining prone.   In case of a dramatic failure on the Dexterity + Athletics roll, a character falls hard or at an odd angle and suffers one Health point of bashing damage (which may be absorbed automatically if armor is worn).
Needleteeth - Ignore up to 2 points of durability on an object
Predators Senses - + 1 to perception rolls to sense and track prey
Scent of Blood - + 2 to detect the scent of blood, once they have the scent, + 2 to follow it
Ghost Sight - The Alicorn can see ghosts
Spirit Sight - The Alicorn can see spirits.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Dec 20, 2023 17:00 by E. Christopher Clark

I saw "carnivorous unicorn" over in the Showcase channel on Discord and just had to come check this out, and you did not disappoint. Well done!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Dec 23, 2023 23:43

I'm glad you enjoyed the "Notaunicorn!" It was very fun to write.