Auras Pond Geographic Location in Nideon | World Anvil
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Auras Pond

CW: ghosts, demons

Auras Pond is the center of the The Rings of Auras, nine concentric binding circles that form the geographical structure of the town of Auras in Diamondheart. The ninth innermost, and strongest of these binding circles wraps perfectly around the pond. No one is sure why the pond required such a strong binding, or what is being kept inside, as the original inhabitants of Auras died long ago.

Though the town of Auras has been inhabited by many different groups, the rings date back to the first century. Some Thisaazhou mention the pond in the same story as the first invted Thisaazhou. Some Een followers say the pond holds the Great Tempter, while others speak of demons and ghosts bound inside. Regardless of what may or may not be in the pond, it is a social taboo to swim or fish there.
Despite the social taboo, Auras Pond has many swimmers and ocassional fishers, as the curiosity attacts investigators. Those who do take the chance of swimming in Auras Pond typically do so at night. Though everyone who has been in or on the pond has confirmed that the area feels unusual and empty somehow, it is likely that this is due to the binding ring around it. Those who have attempted to work magic in the pond have failed to do so. Others, however, have claimed that they tried to get into the pond, but were repelled by an unseen force, leading some to believe the binding ring is intended to keep people out as much as to keep something in.

Cover image: by Sven Fischer
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