What I'm Reading! Issue 158 in Webway | World Anvil

What I'm Reading! Issue 158

Hey, Everybody! Here we go with Issue 158!
WorldEmber is coming! Are you ready? Looks like the homework prep has started. Already there is some really high goals set. Great! I'll be setting one myself. But that's what WorldEmber is for, right? Challenge yourself and your world or worlds to be better than before! But, it's also November so that means so much more...
There is also Mapvember! Who is giving that a try? And let's not ever forget... NaNoWriMo! EVer tried it? I have and to be fair, it is a rush and a half. It also isn't something to take lightly. Like WorldEmber, it can really challenge you. Give you rich ground to flex the writing and imagination muscles.
This time I've reached back a bit for some older articles. Some really rich inspiration here and fantastic visions.
So, without further delay!
Here is the current crop that REALLY stood out for me! Enjoy!

The Road Goes Ever On

Once again, I grabbed my satchel and set out on the digital road to find some unexplored countries in the Anvilspace. As always, the Anvilspace didn't disappoint!
  #whatIamReading #TheKummerWolfeList #anvilspace

Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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