What I'm Reading! Issue 123 in Webway | World Anvil

What I'm Reading! Issue 123

Hey, Everybody! Here we go with Issue 123!
So, out with February and in with March! With it comes all sorts of new worldbulding. I've seen there are some unofficial challenges come up. Such as...
Musical March: Unofficial Challenge
Generic article | Apr 2, 2023

A challenge for anyone that has a song their heart just waiting to be let out.

  by Jester or  
Marchitecture: Fill out your cities in this month long unofficial building prompt challenge!
Generic article | Apr 1, 2023

A list of 30 prompts relating to architecture, buildings, or structures -- throughout the course of March, we can build our cities and fill out our towns through using these prompts to design the buildings within them!

  by Stormbril  
So! anyone going to give them a try? They look interesting! I've been considering it, because those are some interesting challenges!
But I've also tried to catch up on my reading. So, without further delay!
Here is the current crop that REALLY stood out for me! Enjoy!

The Road Goes Ever On

Once again, I grabbed my satchel and set out on the digital road to find some unexplored countries in the Anvilspace. As always, the Anvilspace didn't disappoint!
Prime Universe COS-UA

Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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