Koragg Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Koragg is a powerful knight who wields the divine magic of a paladin and serves as Lady Kemlar's bodyguard.  

Meeting Lady Kemlar

Years ago, Koragg's beloved wife died of a brain aneurysm in her sleep. The grief-stricken knight did not know what he would do without her when he was approached by Lady Kemlar. She offered to restore his wife to life in exchange for his services. Longing to see his love again, Koragg agreed with no hesitation. With her resources, it was a simple matter for Lady Kemlar to not only restore the woman's life but to ensure that the natural cause of her death was corrected, allowing the maiden to live a long life. Koragg was surprised when Lady Kemlar instructed him to enjoy the time with his wife until she passed of old age; only then would Lady Kemlar call upon his services.   True to her word, Lady Kemlar arrived one week after Koragg's wife died naturally over 30 years later. His wife already buried and his heart still grateful for the extra decades Lady Kemlar had allowed them to spend together, he vowed to serve Lady Kemlar for as long as he was able and became her chief bodyguard.  

Service to Kemlar

When Lady Kemlar traveled to the Nine Hells to make a deal with Glasya, Archduchess of Malbolge, Koragg served as one of her bodyguards alongside Gardna. He later assisted with mistress with slaying Genevieve after the warforged attempted to flee with the Hand of Vecna to keep it away from Lady Kemlar. After Lady Kemlar used her magic to take them back home, she and Koragg discussed her plan to use Sweetmeat's trial as a way to get into Mount Celestia and seize the Eye of Vecna.

Character Portrait image: by Lucas Salcedo


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