Gardna, the Shield Guardian Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Gardna, the Shield Guardian

Gardna is a shield golem crafted by Rhith, upgraded from the stone golem created by his ███████████████████████. As a construct, Gardna is devoid of a true personality but demonstrates an unwavering loyalty to Rhith, as well as anyone Rhith instructs Gardna to protect. Rhith loans Gardna out to his allies rather liberally, making it just as likely to see the golem alongside Lady Kemlar, Mira, and other allies as Rhith himself.  

Assault on Arkhan's Tower

Gardna was seen guarding Lady Kemlar alongside Koragg and traveled with her to the Nine Hells for her meeting with Glasya, Archduchess of Malbolge. He later reappared alongside Lady Kemlar and assisted her with killing Genevieve, discharging an electrical field to shock the warforged into submission.


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