Great Sengorian Forest Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Great Sengorian Forest

The Great Sengorian Forest is located south of the Kingdom of Lothal through Death Pass. This massive forest extends far beyond Lothal's borders and is home to many mystical creatures, among them many fey. It is also something of a vacation home for several of the Animal Lords when they decide to visit Nexus, with a few such as the Bear King and Bee Queen having even made it their primary residence.   While the rulers of the forest have a working relationship with Nergalee, the Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild, it is commonly understood that mortals are to stay out of the forest unless they are there with permission. Some of the forests denizens do come out of their woodland home to trade with small villages near the forest borders, but these relationships are informal and do not reflect the more widely understood agreement between these two peoples.
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